Chapter 3 - WE HAVE TO WHAT?!?!

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Hali was finally released from her long hug to her Uncle Gobber and smiled at him. "So, what have ya been up to lass, besides your usual trash talking competition with your dragon brother?" Gobber asked with a smirk as both took their seats on the right side of the table while Valka remained on the left.

"The usual, keeping up with school, trying to live as normal of a life as I can, and having fun flights on sunsets, nighttimes, and afternoons," Hali said as she listed off her favorite hobbies.

"Ah, so no new chocolate tricks you wanted to show me?" Gobber asked with a smile making Hali and Valka roll their eyes at Gobber's usual attitude.

But that didn't stop Hali from smiling before reaching behind his right ear and pulling out two Hershey chocolate kisses. Gobber gasped in awe before saying "Double chocolate trick? How do you keep doing this to me?"

It was no secret to the two that Gobber had a huge liking to chocolate that it was almost his weakness that Hali always exploited whenever he visited the family. "I'll never tell you why," Hali said with a smug smile making Valka chuckle at the happiness her daughter brings to both adults.

Gobber just rolled his eyes and eagerly took both Hershey's from Hali's outstretched hand. Hali rolled her eyes a second time and settled her arms onto the table before placing her face on the right hand and saying "What brings you here Uncle? Certainly you wouldn't have visited our lovely home just for the chocolate candy magic I provide you."

"Hali, you just gave your specialness away!" Valka cried out in a false dramatic way making everyone laugh while Toothless ate at the fish Valka provided in a reed basket that Valka made herself.

Soon, the laughter died down allowing Gobber a chance to take a breather before saying "Ya right lass, mostly about the chocolate, I've come to talk to ya mom about some important things that are not for ya ears."

"What?! I'm almost graduating high school and I'm still not allowed in on these conversations?!" Hali asked her mother and uncle bewildered of such thought.

"That's what you get for trying to listen in on the last conversation Gobber and I had," Valka said reminding Hali of the last conversation both her and Gobber had in secret before the two had to move again.

Hali just groaned and left the two to their conversation while listening in on their conversation from behind her closed door outside. When Valka and Gobber saw Hali was out of hearing range, they went serious and Valka was the first to speak. "Alright Gobber, what's the news? You wouldn't have come out here for nothing," Valka said getting a serious look in her eyes.

"Well, I've come with disturbing news about your birthplace Valka. The reigning King and Queen of Berk have died in a car accident and their son, Stoick, has come to claim the throne as Berks new King," Gobber responded in a sad tone.

"Does he-?" Valka was about to say but was interrupted by Gobber saying "No, not yet at least. But he will figure out soon enough."

"How so?" Valka asks curious to know how Stoick would come to know of the information she's been hiding for eighteen years.

"He's the King now and will have access to all the information you sent his parents of Hali back home," Gobber replied with a wave of his hand.

"I sent that information of Hali to inform his parents of her existence to them before I left. Not to let Stoick know of her. If he has that information, he'll come looking for her," Valka informed Gobber horrified of the possibilities that could be laying out in front of them.

"Well then the only logical thing to do would be to move to a different location where he would never suspect you and your daughter to be at," Gobber said thinking of reasons of how Valka could avoid Stoick making Hali widen her eyes in shock and confusion at what this Stoick person was and how does he have something to do with her mom.

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