Chapter 6 - Welcome To Berk

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Hali was nervous as she packed up her things and gathered some provisions to eat along the way while her mother sent a notification to the school saying that her daughter was transferring to another school. Earlier, Hali went over to Heather's home and told her the news of her family moving to start knowing of her heritage and gave Heather a hug goodbye as well as leaving her with Windshear, as the two had grown close to one another, and left to go pack with Toothless by her side. Windshear sent her only daughter Blackscales to watch over and guard Hali with her life. Her daughter complied and is now waiting outside with the other dragons to watch over their princess when she returns to her home.

Once she was done packing, she immediately went over to her desk full of photos and chose a special picture to take with her to Berk. It was of her, her mother, Uncle Gobber, and Toothless all staring at the camera with smiles on their faces at the big fair. Placing that into her bag, as her mother promised to pack the rest of her belongings before she herself left, Hali zipped up her suitcase and dragged it down the stairs to meet up with her father and Uncle Gobber, as he had promised to come along on this expedition and watch over Hali, to see what they had to do next. Once down the stairs, her suitcase was taken from her by Uncle Gobber before she was wrapped into a tight hug by her mother. "Take care of yourself my darling and I will try to get there as soon as I can," Valka said tearfully to her daughter at the sad thought of being split up from her when she was barely eighteen years old.

"I will mom. I'll miss you and be counting down the days till you come to Berk," Hali promised with tears in her eyes as they separated themselves from the hug.

"'There is nowhere that you can't go that I won't be with you'," Valka said quoting Hali's favorite quote from a movie she watched when she was young.

Smiling, Hali hugged her mother one last time before turning to her father and saying, "I'm ready to go."

Her father nodded to her in acknowledgement before turning to Valka and saying, "I will keep her safe and protected."

"You better Stoick," Valka said with a warning hinted in her tone.

Stoick nodded his head in comply before reaching out a hand for his daughter to take to lead her to where they will be going. Cautiously, Hali took his hand and was lead out of her house and came upon a limousine waiting for them with a man that had a neatly trimmed yellow beard with a metal bucket on his head and a black suit. The man opened the door to reveal velvet leather seats outlined with gold threading and had threaded the symbol of royalty in the middle of both seats. Hali looked to her father for confirmation before climbing in and taking a seat next to the other door on her right. Her father and Uncle Gobber followed in soon after a talk with the limousine man and the door shut behind them.

Turning to where her dragons stood, Hali gave the signal, with her hands, for them to wait until she gave the signal at the airport. Complying, all dragons layed down and began to wait until the signal came. The car was then started up and took off into the village of the kingdom of Belana. Waiting for a while, Hali watched as various buildings passed by them and saw the school pass by briefly in her vision before vanishing. As if sensing his daughters sadness, Stoick placed a gentle hand of comfort on her left shoulder while saying, "Don't worry, once you get settled into Berk Academy High, you'll be living a happy life there and be able to try out for sports. I know you have been wishing to try out for sports for quite a long time and have been wanting to make human friends as well."

"Wait, so I can try out for sports and it wouldn't bother you?" Hali asks curiously, while trying to contain her excitement, turning to look at her father for confirmation.

"Of course it wouldn't. It would help maintain a normal cover for ya and it would help you learn more about Berk than the history lessons we would ever give ya," Stoick said with a smile happy that he could provide something that can make his only child really happy.

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