Chapter 5 - Going to Berk?

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She couldn't believe it. She just couldn't! Her mother lied to her yet again!! Letting out a frustrated yell towards the sky, she laid against the back of Toothless and growled. "Okay, I may not understand human growling but those words were bad, even for you," Toothless said in a teasing tone trying to cheer his rider up.

Smiling a bit, Hali sighed and said, "I'm sorry bud. But my mother lied to me yet again. My father is the Prince and Heir of Berk and I'm supposedly the next Princess and his heir."

"Well she didn't lie as so much as not tell you the complete truth," Toothless said sheepishly.

"That still counts as lying Toothless," Hali said with a smile as she sat up straight to talk to her dragonic brother.

Toothless just grumbled and rolled his eyes before flying upwards to the clouds. Hali quickly caught onto what Toothless was wanting to do and held on tight to the saddle rings as Toothless started spinning before stopping and went free-falling towards the ground. He then righted himself a few hundred yards from the ocean and began flying faster over the ocean. To have him go even faster, Hali layed down on his back, with her back facing the sky, and gripped the saddle rings even tighter. This caused Toothless to go faster across the sea leaving only a white trail of bubbles in his wake. Suddenly, Toothless made a right turn and started flying faster towards the destination he had in mind.

Hali ducked her head against the saddle, as the wind was becoming too much for her, and resolved to make a helmet for whenever this comes around while trusting Toothless to be her eyes. Toothless grinned and flew even faster than he normally goes before spotting the island he had in mind and flew around towards the back of it while slowing down enough to allow him to land at the cove to have a discussion with Hali about her dilemma. Smiling and laughing a bit, Hali dismounted her dragon, went over to the river, and kneeled down beside the shore before cupping her hands and dipping them into the water. She brought her handful water to her lips and drank from it before repeating the process twice, to clear up her dried throat, and stopping.

Shaking off the excess water, Hali then went over to a patch of dry grass and lied down upon it to relish softness and coolness it gave her upon impact. Sighing in relief, Hali opened her eyes to see Toothless intentionally blocking her view of the Sun looking at her with a face that said 'talk now before you explode'. "Okay, since you're not gonna give up till I talk, well I'll just have to say one thing 'Never trust my mother when she says that she's never gonna lie to me again'," Hali simply said before chuckling a bit making Toothless gurgle in a laughing tone.

"Well you know that she loves you Hali and will do everything she can to protect you. Even if she has to lie to you yet again sis," Toothless reminded his sister by heart lying down on the patch of grass next to Hali.

"Yes but it would've been nice to know the truth back then cause I would've understood her reason to leave every kingdom we stayed at for a while," Hali responded to her dragonic brother while placing her hands behind her head in relaxation.

"Maybe you need to hear what else your family has to say before you decide the next step on your fate," Toothless responded with a bit of wiseness in his tone.

(Sighs) "What did I do to deserve a brother like you?" Hali remarked with a relaxed sigh as she closed her eyes against the sun and relaxed in the grass.

"Maybe that's because I'm all eager for that famous treat you owe me back at the house, now come on! Let's go!" Toothless shouted out as he got up on all fours and started running around disrupting the birds, who have been sleeping in their nests peacefully, and making them fly to the sky in panic.

Hali rolled her eyes and got up off the grass before mounting Toothless and holding onto the ring saddles as he took off into the air with glee. Yelling out into the sky with a whoop of glee, Hali pulled her hair out of its ponytail and let it fly with the wind. She layed back against Toothless and let him guide them to their home island. After a few moments, Toothless made it there but hovered a few feet away from the ground. Smiling, as she knew exactly what Toothless wanted to do, Hali sat up then stood on the saddle before free-falling towards the ocean. Toothless followed suite after her and just free-falled beside her. "Hey, so just plummet or any ideas?" Hali asked casually knowing her dragon would have something in mind.

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