Chapter 7 - Meet Your Great Aunt Gothi And Ms. Ack

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Hali was eager to get out of the jet as soon as it landed but waited until the two most trusted servants, that came along with them and called Bucket and Mulch respectively of the big guy with a bucket on his head and one not on his head, opened the door stairway to the ground beneath them. She then dashed out of the plane and greeted each of her dragon friends as they all landed on the ground exhausted from a long flight to their new destination. They each eagerly greeted her back before collapsing onto the ground in exhaustion to rest for a bit. Smiling a bit, Hali patted Blackscales neck scales gently to ease her while also giving Sharpshot, that was resting on her shoulders, a scratch underneath his chin.

"Come on lass, we have to get going to Raven's Manor. Sometimes we have ears and eyes everywhere that usually work for Spitelout out of fear of him and his consequences," Gobber said looking around for anyone that might be hiding out to see what their new King may be up to.

"But what about my dragon friends? They're tired," Hali asked looking at her dragons worriedly as they were all still exhausted.

Stoick looked at Hali's dragon friends and looked over at the servants that were waiting for them in another limousine that marked royalty with the crown insignia in the front with gold metal helping to outline the whole thing on top of the hood of the limousine for all to see. This brought a dilemma to his mind as he wanted to help his daughter but he also wanted to get to the castle as quickly as possible before his absence is noted by the council. The dragons could sense the dilemma and each of them mustered up enough strength to get up, minus Sharpshot who still stayed on Hali's shoulders, and take off shakily towards the sky before flying towards Raven's Manor to meet Hali there. "Oooohhhhkaaayyyy," Hali said unsure of what just happened.

"Listen lass, the dragons are putting your fathers dilemma above their own to rest at the Manor we will be staying at until they are strong enough to go flying again," Gobber explained placing a comforting hand on her back before gently helping her up and guiding her to the limousine to her father.

Hali stopped and looked at her dragons shadows flying towards Raven's Manor before climbing in and resolving to meet them there to help the servants get her dragons settled in. Stoick climbed in after her and sat next to her while Gobber sat on the seat in front of them that was in a reverse form to where he could face them and be able to converse with them. "Don't worry Hali, they aren't going to be mad at you because they know of your love for them," Stoick said in a reassuring tone as the engines to the limo started up after the door was shut.

Looking up to her father, Hali gave him a little smile before gently petting Sharpshot on the head after he gave her a squeak of reassurance and asking, "So why are we going to the Manor instead of the castle?"

"For your safety as well as Spitelout not finding out about you because he and his son live in the castle to help 'teach' Snotlout the fundamentals of royalty and living in a castle," Stoick responded.

"So where's this Manor?" Hali asked curiously.

"You'll see," Stoick said with a smile before gesturing towards the car window making Hali turn to see what he wanted her to look at.

The limousine began driving down the road showing many buildings that were tall or small or wide or thin with a huge parks with many trees in the background of it as well a large forest in the background of all the houses. Soon they came upon a golden metal gate that opened for them to reveal a maroon stone colored ground path marked out by small trees, planted with a small white fence around each of them and had a huge a grassy outlands on either side of the path, that led towards the Manor and up towards either side of the huge doors, that led inside the Manor, had many maroon colored stone stairs.

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