Chapter 8 - First Day of Berk Academy High

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Hali got up and was dressed by Ms. Ack, in something that was not herself until she intervened, with both of them now coming to a compromised outfit that fit Ms. Ack's approval. She wore a loose maroon shirt with a white tank top underneath it, black jeans, and maroon and white shoes with an accessorized thin line arrow golden bracelet and a pair of golden lined sunglasses with a new Samsung 9 phone with a white and golden silence markings on it. Her hair was brushed to perfection and placed into a right side braid with some strands of her hair hung off her left and curled to where it was not so much curly but not so much straight. Right now, Ms. Ack was applying light make-up, to help accent Hali's features to help them to pop out, and Hali was forced to sit still, after eating breakfast, to let Ms. Ack finish up highlighting Hali's eyelid with an eyeliner of unknown color to Hali.

"And... Done," Ms. Ack announced putting the eyeliner back from Hali's eyelid before placing the cap on it and setting it down in her make-up bag.

"Can I take a look to see how horrible I look with make-up on?" Hali asked sarcastically making Ms. Ack raise an eyebrow at her charge before pulling on a smug smile and turning her chair around to face her towards a mirror while saying, "Oh, I don't know about that but why don't you see it for yourself."

Ms. Ack had applied a light coat of brown blush on her cheek bones to accent them, a light shade of maroon eyeshadow with a silver eyeliner on the tip of the eyelids, her eyebrows had been added a little gloss to make them shine, and a touch of maroon lipstick had been applied ever so slightly by a lip brush. "Wow, I look..." Hali said trailing off in awe, not being able to find the right words to describe herself right now.

"Beautiful?" Ms. Ack asked in suggestion with a hopeful smile to which Hali responded with, "Not hideous," causing Ms. Ack to frown for a bit before saying, "I'll take it until you finally say it."

"Works for me because I've been tomboyish most of my life. Living with dragons requires specific clothing to ride them," Hali said reciting the rule of being a Dragon Master perfectly from memory making Ms. Ack smile before placing a hand on the girls right shoulder and saying, "You can still be a Dragon Master while being a Princess, you know. It will take some adjustment to help you get a Major for your certification to be a Dragon Master, but I think that, if you choose your right for the throne at the end of the year, you'll be able to go and help your father run a kingdom while being a Dragon Master."

This action made Hali stand up eagerly and hug Ms. Ack out of gratitude. She said her thanks before grabbing her maroon and white shoulder bag filled with her notebooks, pencils, pens, and training clothes for when Hali plans to try out for the track team and maybe practice at the schools tennis court. She grabbed her lunch pack, filled with her favorite food, from the kitchen, said a quick thanks to the staff for their help, gave her dad a quick kiss on the cheek before saying bye, and quickly left the Manor in a hurry to catch the limo her father provided for her. There was specific instructions for her to be on the stairs at 8 for the limo to pick her up and then be dropped off a few feet away from the school, then picked up from the same location, to help her maintain a normal cover for her.

Right on the mark, a long black limo showed up and drove up in front of the stairs. Hali quickly ran down the stairs and quickly got in to not be seen by those who would work for her evil Uncle. The limo was then driven out of the Manors driveway and headed down towards the school before stopping a few feet away. Taking a deep breath in and letting it out slowly, Hali put her shoulder bag on her shoulder and got out of the limo. Shutting the door behind her, she swallowed down her fear and began walking towards the school district.


Adrian Hofferson stood with his 'friends', or most would probably call them his group buddies, trying to get on with his day by avoiding Snotlout Jorgenson, who keeps proclaiming himself to be the heir of Berk, but walked into him and his 'group' as they walked around the front ground of the school yard. Snotlout began proudly boasting about his status and how he's gonna marry the wealthiest woman in the kingdom to provide Berk with its riches. Fishlegs began correcting Snotlout about him marrying a wealthy woman without the approval of the Counsel, the King usually looks to advice for, would be displeased by everyone on Berk and was pushed over by Snotlout for it. Then the kicking began on the poor boy, with Snotlout on the stomach and Ruffnut and Tuffnut on the back, while Adrian sighed to himself and internally winced each time a blow was landed on Fishlegs. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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