Chapter two:

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Hermione's pov:

I wake up bright and early and am dressed and groomed fairly quickly. My hair this morning was tamed rather easily, for once.

"Are you sure you don't want to use a bit of my makeup?" Ginny had asked. "I could do your makeup for you, if you'd like."

"No thanks. I think I'll be okay" I replied politely. "Maybe tomorrow morning."

Makeup was never really my thing anyways, it just took to long to perfect, and I think I looked pretty decent without it.

"Fine tomorrow" Ginny smirked, and I dreaded tomorrow already.

Breakfast was normal until shouts came from the Slytherin table. I suppose there was always going to be drama, but we weren't even back a week yet, so I wondered who was starting trouble already.

Pansy Parkinson was screaming at some girl who sat beside, Draco Malfoy. The two girls screamed at eachother and Malfoy looked amused. I don't understand girls who fight over guys, especially ones who fought over, Malfoy.

"Hey, Hermione" Harry said and Ron simply ignored me. "Good morning."

"Hello Harry" I replied, cheerfully although I was sad Ron was being hateful.

Ginny arrived sometime later and took a seat beside Harry. She took ages to get ready in the morning, she was usually last down to breakfast, during the summer we spent in the burrow.

"Apparently Malfoy slept with Natasha even though him and Pansy are a thing" She said with a laugh. "I'm loving all this drama."

"At least he's getting some." Ron muttered.

"EXCUSE ME, HAVE A BIT OF RESPECT, SORRY I'M NOT EASY LIKE SO MANY OTHER GIRLS OUT THERE!" I shouted, and I'm pretty sure half of the school heard me.

"I don't want an easy girl, I want you" He said, looking worried. "I just wish you would do them things with me."

"Oh just fuck off you needy horny prat." I spat the words which felt foreign.

I stormed off to class. I stood outside my potions class until I heard footsteps. Probarly Ron coming to beg for forgiveness. We'll see if I forgive him. I charge around the corner and run into someone else.

"Watch where you're going." Malfoy spat before looking to face me.

"I thought you were Ron." I say feeling embarrassed.

"So you charge at your boyfriend for walking towards you?" He asked. "That's interesting."

"Uh, no! I charge at my boyfriend for being a dick" I spat. "I know you heard what went on back there, so no point playing stupid"

"Don't expect me to let you cry on my shoulder now." He said with a smirk.

"Oh shut up and go let the girls you took advantage of cry on your shoulder" I say.

"My shoulders wouldn't be big enough, if I let every girl I took advantage of cry on my shoulder" He said with a smirk, I looked at him with disgust.

"You pig" I spat.

"Prude bitch" He spat back with a laugh.

"Oh just leave me alone." I say and walk towards the classroom.

"Walking away from a fight, Granger? That's not like you" Malfoy comments.

I ignore him walking away from him, towards the other end of the hallway.

Nobody is here yet. Not that it surprises me. I really should have waited a few more minutes before storming off, and had some breakfast too.

"There's still 10 minutes before everyone starts coming" A voice says.

"Why are you here so early, Malfoy?" I snap. "I didn't think you cared about going to class at all, I thought school was just a social event for you."

"I needed a break from the fighting females" He said with a laugh. "It gets rather tedious you see, and I happen to be a great student, but unfortunately always second best."

I laughed before realising it was a joke made by Malfoy, the enemy, so I stopped and glared at him. I continued to do this until everyone else arrived. Even during potions I glared at the back of his head.

I knew it was wrong to consider him my enemy, but I suppose old habits die hard.

He disrespects women do not get too friendly with him, you don't need another person to disrespect you, especially with a boyfriend like, Ron.

Thanks for reading .
Have really big plans for this book! So vote comment and tell me what you think??? Xxx

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