Chapter thirty-one:

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Hermione's POV:

The walk to Mcgonagall's room was awkward as hell at first. I left the common room early so I wouldn't have to walk with Ron.Unfortunately he suspected that and followed me out stuck to me like glue. I groaned out loud not caring that he could hear.

"I didn't mean it you know." He said but I ignored him and walked faster.

"I don't know why I try at all with you." He said heartbroken.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Why do I even love you? You treat me like a piece of shit from the bottom of your shoe." He barked.

I swung around furiously and almost growled.

"Don't fucking start with me! You're a dirty rotten fuckboy Ronald Weasley." I said stabbing his chest with my finger.

"What's a fuckboy?" He asked stupidly.

I huffed and swung around rushing away from him.


Draco's POV:

When I arrived for detention I was the only person there. I threw myself into one of the chairs at the back of the room and watched the door for Hermione.

Around five minutes later Hermione sped in with the weasel hot on her heels. She took a seat beside me and the weasel followed her and took a seat on her right.

"It's almost like old times except Potter's not here" I sneer towards weasel.

"Yeah and in old times, Hermione wasn't going out with a snake." Ron glared.

"You know nothing so shut your face." I snap instantly.

Hermione shot me a gracious smile and I smirked at the weasel's expression. I looked up to see Filch standing in the doorway glaring.

"I'm supervising detention today, follow me to the astronomy tower." He said to us.

We all shared a confused expression but still got up to follow him. Hermione and I walked side by side, with Ron literally on top of us.

I smirked evily to myself when I had an idea.

"Hermione, last night was quite enjoyable, I love the feeling of you around me and that position we did at the end-" I whispered to her loudly for Ron to hear.

"SHUT UP!! I'LL KILL YOU!" Ron shouted lunging for me.

He didn't get to hit me because Filch appeared and dragged Ron by collar along with him.

"Keep up." Filch barked to us.

I looked at Hermione who was blushing furiously. She started laughing loudly all of a sudden and upon hearing another one of Filch's threats I pulled her along.

We finally reached the astronomy tower which held good and bad memories for me.
The three of us stood before Filch who was silently sneering us.

"Where's everyone else?" Hermione asked.

Filch ignored her and opened up a cleaning closet. He emerged a few moments later with three sponges and mop buckets.

"I want each step shiny enough to see my face and eat dinner off." He sneered.

"I refuse to do this! Where's  Mcgonagall?" I snapped.

"Do it boy or I'll make you do it twice" He spat at me shoving a bucket into my hands along with a sponge.

"This is cruel!" Hermione spat as she received her bucket and sponge.

"Better get started, your backs will be killing you by the time you reach half way." Filch taunted before shoving the last bucket and sponge into the weasels arms.

Ron glared at me and got on his knees and scrubbed the first step. Hermione rolled her eyes and followed him over

"I have an idea, Ronald you start cleaning the bottom steps, Draco you go a few steps up and ill go a few steps up from you" She orders.

Ron mumbled an "okay" and I did likewise.

I did as she said and walked a few steps up purposely stepping on the weasel. Hermione walked up past me with a determined expression.

I looked down on weasel and smirked "I always knew you belonged below me weasel".

He looked up and glared "Look who's above you a mudblood."

I looked up at Hermione who was on her knees scrubbing, oblivious to what he just said.

"Say that again." I threaten.

"Say what?" He said innocently.

"You know what weasel, I really want to knock your teeth out." I said, and realised I was squeezing the sponge violently.

"Nobody is stopping you." He replied smartly.

"I'm thinking you really want to get smacked" I said walking down towards him.

I took a look up at Hermione who was still cleaning, she was on her knees, with her ass stuck out. I'll check out her ass later.

Soon we are almost nose to nose and I pull my sponge out from behind my back. I hit him across the face with the wet sponge. I then lifted it and squeezed it's contents all over his head.

He lifted up his own bucket and attempted to pour it all over me. I grabbed it but he still had hold of it and we were both fighting for it.

At the last moment the water poured out of the bucket leaving weasels chest wet and soapy. The rest of the content ended up on the stairs ruining all of weasels hard work.


Hermione's POV:

I turned around to see how the guys were getting on. However that wasn't what I seen.

The two looked fit to kill eachother. I hurried down the steps and with closer inspection realised that Ron was soaking wet.

"What in Merlin's pants are you doing?" I demanded.

The two turned to face me and neither answered.

"Well since nobody will explain to me you can do the rest yourselves." I scoffed.

"Careful!" Draco shouted, but it was too late.

I slipped and went flying backwards and hit my head, and that's when everything went black.

Sex lessons from Draco Malfoy (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now