Chapter thirty:

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Hermione's POV :)

Ginny and I walked to potions together in good spirits. The only bad thing about today was the fact that I had detention later. Professor Mcgonagall had reminded me during transfiguration today.

She informed me that detention was in her class today and to be there after dinner. I'd have to sit there doing nothing for like two hours. I wouldn't be alone though. There was always many students in detention.

When I entered the classroom I took my seat beside Draco.
Harry and Ron was behind us bickering about something. I could feel Ron's eyes burning into me from behind. Their argument now forgotten.

"Hey." Draco said, as I sat down and he also greeted me with a big smile.

"Miss me?" I replied, flirtatiously.

"Of course but there's no need for me to ask you if you missed me cause I know you have." He said smugly.

"You're so full of yourself" I replied with an eye roll.

He didn't get a chance to reply because at that moment Professor Slughorn arrived.

"Class today we are going to be making a basic sleeping draft and I would like you to work in your pairs." He said, hoarsely.

I turned and grinned at Draco and he winked at me. Draco was really good at potions so I was glad.

"All ingredients are on the table at the back and I'll be back in a few minutes. I hope there will be no problems." He said before leaving us.

"You get the ingredients." I tell Draco and he frowns.

"You get them." He moans.

"Draco I have cramps so I'd rather not risk it." I tell him, and he almost runs to the back of the room.

Boys were always so awkward at the mention of periods. I chuckle to myself and find the instructions in the book.

"That's mine!" Draco shouts.

I turn around to see Draco and Ron fighting over the remaining crushed lavender.

"Give it here!" Ron growls. But Draco doesn't give in.

He waves it mockingly in Rons face.

"Come get it." Draco says smirking at Ron's red face.

I storm down to them and neither notice me. The whole class is watching hoping for drama. Ron pulls out his wand and Draco does the same. The two stand wands pointed at each other like swords

"ENOUGH!" I shout at them.

The two turn to face me and then I notice Harry beside me.

"Slut!" Ron coughs, just loud enough for everyone to hear.

Tears prick at my eyes and I try my hardest to hold them in.
I've never been called a slut before. Draco can't comfort me as it would reveal our relationship.

He gives Ron the scariest glare possible. He pulls him close my the scruff of the neck and whispers something into his ear.

Ron looks back at me regret clear in his face but he doesn't apologise. Draco let's go and attempts to walk away but Ron won't leave it.

"You think you're better than everyone Malfoy, but you're not. You're just a prat." Ron sneers.

He attempts to throw a punch a Draco which he easily blocks.

"That the best you can do weasel" Draco sneers.

"JUST STOP IT!" I shout.

Draco pushs Ron into some jars filled with god knows what. Everything falls and the jars break and their contents are all over the floor.

I hear a few laughs from the Slytherins and gasps from the Gryffindors. Harry runs over to help Ron who is sprawled on the floor.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" An angry voice shouts.

Everyone turns around to see professor Slughorn absolutely fuming.

"He pushed me." Ron says pointing to Draco like a child.

Slughorn's glare turned to Draco who was smiling innocently like he was all the good in the world.

"Professor he tried to punch me, it was only self defence." Draco says smirking at Ron.

"One weeks detention for you Mister Malfoy and Mister Weasley two weeks detention for starting it." Professor Slughorn says angrily.

"BUT PROFESSOR-" Ron shouts.

"I don't want to hear it! The two of you clean this up." He snaps.

The rest of us go to our seats some disappointed that the drama has ended.

"We will continue this tomorrow as the bell is about to go." He says glaring in Ron and Dracos direction.

The bells goes and everyone begins to leave.

"Don't forget to be at detention tonight." Slughorn snaps at the two.

Then it hits me that I have detention tonight with Draco and Ron. Well hell.

Sex lessons from Draco Malfoy (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now