Chapter twenty-nine:

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Hermione's POV:

He looked at me dumbfounded. I knew this was a bad idea.

"Did you really just ask me that?" He asks gazing at me with such intensity I can't meet his gaze.

"Just never mind, forget I said anything." I say blinking away the tears and ignoring the pain in my chest.

"Hermione." He says and I look up to meet his gaze.

"I want you to be my girlfriend more than anything, it's just I'm afraid." He admits triggering my curiosity.

"What are you afraid of Draco?" I ask, pouting at him.

"Commitment and such. I'm afraid I'm gonna hurt you." He admits and I understand.

"Yeah, but I could also hurt you but you'll never know unless we try." I tell him.

"I know but what would people think of you if they found out?" He said and I frowned.

"It's none of their concern, Draco" I snap, I'm sick of not being able to do my own thing, without people judging me.

"Okay relax for a minute. We have to agree on something first." He says and I nod.

"I don't think we should go public at least not yet." I answer and he nods.

"Not yet but eventually." He says and we both agree.

"I better get dressed and I'm going to hang out in my common room for a while and I have detention for a week starting tomorrow." I tell him and he smirks.

"Good girl Granger getting detention." He says and I smirk back.

"That means we won't get to have lessons for the week." I say and his smirk drops.

"Fuck the sex lessons you're my girlfriend now." He says and I grin.

He kisses me hard and fast pinning me up against the wall.He pulls away and starts kissing my neck sucking and biting surely leaving love bites.

"You're my girl remember that." He says with a wink.

"Always." I replied softly.

The love bites he gave me mark me as his and only his. My only hope is that he's all mine and mine only. I got dressed and reluctantly left Draco. I was glad that I was now his girlfriend.

This was the sex lessons coming to an end and a relationship beginning. I knew there was plenty more to learn from him but there was also lots he had to learn from me.

There was hardly a soul in the common room. It was a Sunday afternoon so everyone would be roaming around outdoors.

The leaves on the trees had started to fall. It was getting close to Halloween and I wondered what was in store.

I took advantage of the almost empty common room. I caught up on all my homework that was to be done. This made the time pass quick and I was just finished an essay for charms when Ginny saw me.

"There you are." She said taking a seat beside me.

"You were looking for me?" I ask.

"Well you didn't come back last night." She said with a wink.

"I stayed with Draco." I said and she smirked.

"I see you made up." She said and I smiled.

"Thank you Ginny." I said pulling her into a hug.

"No problem and did you get in trouble?" She asks.

"Detention for a week." I say unhappily.

"Bad girl." She said with a wink.

"Where's the guys?" I ask.

"I don't actually know, guess we'll see them at dinner." She says.

"I guess so." I say dreading it completely.

When it was time Ginny and I walked to the great hall.
We began walking to our usual seats and I spotted Harry, Ron and of course the lovely Lavender.

I rolled my eyes at her desperate attempt to get his attention.His eyes were only on me. Lavender growled and stomped off to her seat. I sat down across from Ron and pushed my hair behind my ears.

I began filling my plate up with food feeling slightly uncomfortable with his eyes watching me.

"Hermione what the fuck is on your neck?" Ron growled.

Everyone nearby looked at me and I felt my cheeks heat. I looked down and sure enough there was a lovebite visable. I hastily covered it with my hair despite the watching eyes of my fellow classmates.

"Nothing Ronald." I snapped glaring at him.

He nearly jumped across the table at me.

"YOU HAVE A BLOODY LOVE BITE ON YOUR NECK!" He screamed, slamming his fists on the table.

"Ron please we quiet." I begged, meeting his angry gaze.

"I WILL NOT HERMIONE AND I HAVE A FEELING I KNOW WHO DID IT!"He shouted, turning around to face the Slytherin table.

I spotted Draco looking at me panic clear on his face.

"Please." I pleaded to Ron.

He turned around to face me and his eyes softened.

He grabbed a chicken leg and stormed out of the hall everyone watching him then turning to face me. I ate dinner with my head down that night.

Thank you guys for reading :*
I'm watching the Harry potter and the half blood prince for like the millionth time and totally dying👅 Draco is so fit its not right👌😱😉

Sex lessons from Draco Malfoy (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now