Chapter thirteen:

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1. I don't know you's tell me..
2. :) in the comments.

Draco Malfoy's POV=

I approached my usual seat beside my friends for dinner. I wasn't hungry. She was still sweet on my lips.

"Hey mate." Blaise said as I sat down.

"Hey." I said as I looked around.
My eyes found her immediately. She was sitting with Ginny and was still blushing.

"Snap out of it." Blaise said waving his hands in my face.

"What?" I snapped.

"You're staring and we both know at who." He whispered his tone serious.

"It's not what you think." I muttered.

But before he could answer Pansy sat down beside me. But basically on my lap.

"What are you doing?" I snapped.

She looked hurt but pulled herself together.

"Sitting beside you." She said innocently.

"No you're sitting on me. Get off." I demanded.

"Why are you being like this?" She snapped.

"Just shut up and do as I say." I shout.

She got off and sat there staring. I felt everyone staring. Crabbe and Goyle were watching me confused and Blaise watched with a knowing smirk.

"Just eat and stop watching me." I demanded.

They stopped watching and began to eat. My eyes found her again. She was smiling and laughing. I loved seeing her happy.

Merlin what was happening to me? If anyone told me this would happen before what happened at my manor I would have slapped them.

"You're lucky no one else saw you two together." Blaise muttered to me.

"Shut up Blaise." I muttered back.

He was definitely on to me. Maybe I could trust him. But then again he might tell everyone.

I don't know if it would bother me that much. I know Hermione would freak if anyone knew. It would definitely ruin her chances with the Weasel.

Lately I don't see them getting back together and I hope she realises that too. Maybe one day she will see what's right in front of her. But maybe one day the Weasel will see what's right in front of him and everything will be ruined.

I left dinner early without eating a thing. But right before I left I felt a pair of eyes on me giving me a weak smile Hermione.

Hermione's POV=

I was still blushing and I knew it.
Ginny was watching me closely and I gave her a real smile.

"Sorry for being weird back there." I said my eyes flickering to Draco.

"It's okay really." She said smiling brightly.

"Where's Harry?" I asked.

"Oh him and Ron left all their homework until now and it's all due tomorrow morning. Such idiots." She said and I laughed.

"Of course they did." I said.

"Malfoy's not a bad guy." Ginny said with a smile.

"I told you." I said sticking out my tongue.

"Yeah yeah I know. But anyways I think he's good for you." Ginny said her eyes bright.

"Really?" I asked grinning like mad.

"Yes of course and he's cute alright" Ginny said with a wink.

"Yeah." I said dreamily.

"I bet his 'you know what' is huge." She said her eyes wide.

"I wouldn't know yet." I said and winked playfully at her.

"Harry is big enough." She muttered.

"Eww I didn't need to know that! How do you know that?" I shouted.

"Harry and I have done things." She whispered.

"I can't believe you." I say shocked.

"We haven't went all the way yet though." She said and I smiled.

"Good to know." I said.

I looked up to see Draco leaving. I gave him a weak smile which he returned.

"He's crazy about you." Ginny whispered.

"No he's not." I said shrugging her off.

"You know he is and you're crazy about him and you know it." She said giving me a knowing smile.

I was crazy about him and I was fighting it.

Thank you for reading guys:)
It's currently 2:17am and I have no internet so you won't be seeing this till tomorrow morning.

Don't forget to vote and I've decided that I'm gonna put warnings before sexual content.
It is a sexual book as its about sexual lessons. There will eventually be sex just saying.

Thanks byexx :*

Sex lessons from Draco Malfoy (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now