Chapter twenty:

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*Friday evening*

Hermione's POV:

"How big was it?" Ginny hissed for the millionth time since I told her.

"I don't know! I didn't get out a ruler to measure it." I repeat again.

"Surprisingly." She muttered and I shot her a glare.

"A handjob and a dry hump A+ Granger." Ginny mocked Draco.

"Shut up I shouldn't of told you about that." I said and blushed bright red.

"Of course you told me! You always have to brag about good results. I'm seriously surprised you didn't tell Harry and Ron." She joked and I laughed.

"Harry would faint and Ron would choke Draco and attempt to cut off his..." I cut off as they were approaching.

"Speak of the devils."Ginny muttered.

She held a hard glare at Ron but her eyes softened when they landed on Harry. He was her boyfriend after all.

Boyfriend, I wonder whether Draco considered me as his girlfriend.

I'm not going to ask because I don't want to seem clingy.
After the other nights events we still have been meeting up after dinner. We haven't did anything like the other night but we've had some steamy makeout sessions.

Ron hasn't been talking to Ginny or me but Harry has been making light conversation steering clear of the word Malfoy.

The four of us walk to the great hall in a deadly silence. We walk to our usual seats and sit down.

I haven't thought much about Ron's confession. Frankly I don't want to as I'll feel guilty. Also Draco confessed to Ginny that he loved me, but I wasn't supposed to know about that.

I really should talk to her about that. I may have misunderstood.

I feel eyes watching me from a distance. I look up to see two faces staring at me. One gorgeous and the other confused.


"You're staring" Blaise whispered with a smirk as I watched her walk in.

"I don't care." I muttered.

She had just sat down and hadn't looked at me yet. I looked to Blaise to see him watching her with a confused face

"What?" I asked.

"Mate I'm just trying to see what's so good about her." He said.

"Well stop she's probably freaked out and you'll never know as she'll never be yours." I replied smugly

He gave me a blank glance and we both turned to look at her again. She turned her head and our eyes met. Her eyes went to Blaise and she raised an eyebrow at me.

I elbowed Blaise and he glared at me then stopped. We seemed to be watching eachother in some sort of trance. That trance was unfortunately broken when I felt her breathing down my neck.

I immediately knew who it was.

I turned my head to see Pansy who was fixing her blouse. She probably just had a quickie with a 3rd year in a closet.

"Draco." She whispered licking her lips.

"Pansy." I said dryly before coldly turning my head to lock eyes with an alarmed Granger.

"We haven't had fun in a while." She said with a wink.

"Thank Merlin for that." I mumbled.

Her cold eyes pierced mine and the hairs stood up on the back of my neck. This girl was creepy.

"Draco are you cheating on me?!" She shrieked loudly.

"WE ARE NOT TOGETHER!" I clarified.

"What are you taking about?" She huffed.

"Well considering you probably just traumatized a 3rd year I'd say we aren't together." I say with a smirk.

"He was a 4th year actually." She snapped.

"And how many years younger was he?" I said coldly.

I turned and locked eyes with my Hermione and I heard Pansy laugh coldly.

I turned around to see Pansy watching me like a hawk. She narrowed her eyes before taking a seat beside me.

I didn't dare steal one glance at Hermione for the rest of dinner.


After dinner I watched Hermione slip away from her table and I felt Ginny's smirk on me.

Pansy attempted to flirt with me and tried to persuade me to take her back to my dorm room. Oh many fun times I had with Pansy but she was far to easy. All those times in my dorm room we were doing it on Blaise's bed.

He hasn't ever found out and I do intend to tell him one day.

"I'm tired." I say and attempt to walk away.

I feel sharp claws digging into my shoulder.

"I'll come with you." Pansy says.

"Nah Pansy I'm just gonna have an early night. I'm exhausted." I lie.

"Oh okay Draco tomorrow then." She says and puts her big sloppy lips on mine.

I pull away quickly and she walks back to Blaise. She will be in Blaise's bed within minutes. I walk rather fast to the room, until I'm stopped.

"Malfoy" He spits.

"Weasel" I spit back.

"Going to see Hermione?" He asks with a glare.

"What's it to you" I reply and push him out of the way.

His voice cold he replies "Just remember she'll never love you like she loved me."

I choose to ignore him instead of knocking his teeth down his throat. When I finally arrive at the room I'm fuming.

"Draco." Hermione says cheerfully.

I take a seat on the couch.

"Draco what's wrong?" She asks sitting down beside me.

"I'm fine." I mutter.

"No you're not." She replies.

"Fine I'm not! Weasel just pissed me off that's all." I say.

"Let me make you feel better" She offers.

I look into her bright eyes and kiss her.

"We aren't staying here. Let's do something fun." I say when we pull away.

"Like what?" She asks.

"Let's sneak out." I say and her eyes go wild. "Just you and me."


Thanks for reading you guys are awesome :* don't forget to vote and comment your opinion on the book so far xx

Has anyone watched the new shadowhunters program? The first episode was amazing <3

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