Chapter twenty-four:

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I fucking love the video above its fucking amazing!! Sorry for the swearing

Draco's POV :

She looked so beautiful with the entire blanket wrapped around her body. I didn't even mind that I woke up with none. She snored lightly and most people would have found it irritating but I found it cute.

Snoring meant there was another person beside you and that you aren't alone.

After the war I was completely alone. My father sent to Azkaban and my mother locked herself up alone in that manor. She wrote to me twice since school started back. She's probarly going crazy and talking to the house elfs.

"Draco." Hermione mumbled, following with a loud snore.

"Weasel" She mumbled, and I laughed.

She was talking in her sleep. This was hilarious.

"No no no.. Draco don't beat Weasel" She mumbled loudly.

"Put him down!" She shrieked, and jumped up.

She looked at me and screamed. Suddenly fists were flying and connecting with my nose.

"Not again." I shouted, holding my nose.

"Draco!! I'm so sorry." She shrieked throwing her arms around me.

"I didn't really hurt Weasel, you know" I say, and her mouth parts and her cheeks turn red.

"You heard me?" She said, with a sheepish smile.

"Yes and you were shouting for me to put him down." I said, with a smirk.

"Actually he turned you into a ferret and was levitating you" She said with a smirk. "Amazing bouncing ferret."

I scoffed "Bloody Weasel wouldn't dare to touch me".

"Calm down." She said, with a laugh.

"Don't you dare dream about him again. I'm the only one that you should be dreaming about." I spoke filled with jealousy and she smirked.

"Of course and may I ask if you dream about me?" She says with a little smirk.

"Of course I do but lets just say my dream has a sign saying Draco's room where clothing is a 100% off" I say, and we both laugh, my cheeks turning red.

"I like the sound of that." She says, with a wink.

Who is this girl? I really like her.

"Of course you would." I say, winking right back at her.

"Kiss me." She whispers, and I can feel her breathing into my neck.

She runs her fingers through my hair from the back and pulls it gently, and I love it.

Our lips meet and its amazing as always. You never get tired of kissing someone as amazing as Hermione, and she could never get tired of kissing me simple as that.

"You look wonderful in my shirt and those legs go on forever." I cooed, and ran my hand up one stopping on her creamy thigh.

"You're in a good mood." She said, sounding surprised.

"I'm not usually a morning person but I must like you if I haven't killed you yet for stealing all the blankets." I said

"I didn't mean to." She said, placing a kiss on my nose.

"I know you didn't." I say, and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear

"Nice bed head." She sneers.

"I didn't know you sneered Granger, and if you think my hair looks bad look in the mirror. I think you're reliving your old bad hair days." I sneer back.

"Oh I see your reliving your old git days! They probably never left." She said, with a smirk that could give me a run for my money.

"Funny." I reply, and watch her face turn into a satisfied grin.

"I should probarly go back to the common room soon. Ron, will have an absolute fit if he finds out" She relied, sadly.

"You shouldn't care about what he thinks. He doesn't care about you obviously." I say, a little too harshly.

"Gee thanks and there's something you should know." She says.

"Go on" I reply, with a raised eyebrow.

"Ron, told me he loved me a few days back" She says, and I can't read her expression.

"And you love him?" I ask, with a blank expression, so this is what dying feels like.

Her beautiful face goes wild " Of course not" She replied, with an odd expression.

"I'm confused I thought he was with what's her name. You know the really annoying one that sucks his face constantly." I asked, trying to remember the ugly girls name.

"Lavender, and I don't know he was probably lying anyways." She said, spitting the girls name with as much venom as she could muster.

"Oh yes, Lavender, the girl you hate probarly more than you hated me." I say, with a smirk.

"Hated. Oh please I still despise your arrogant face and..." She says, before I cut her off.

"And extremely sexy body?" I ask, and she scoffs.

"Nah what I was going for was tiny dick" She says, and I scoff louder that I ever have before.

"At least I'm not an 1 inch wonder like weasel" I scoff, and we both errupt into fits of laughter.

"I have to go before Ginny, makes you just that." She says, still in fits of laughter.

No please don't go...

"Yeah I guess so." I say, with a frown.

Get a hold of yourself idiot!

"Walk me out after I get dressed?" She asks.

"Hermione, if I could I would walk you into your common room I would" I say, honestly.

"Yeah and you could give me a sweet kiss in front of everyone." She says, sarcastically.

"I'd love to see the look on everyone's face." I say, dreamily.

"Maybe one day you could." She says, with bright eyes.

Maybe I could.

Thank you for reading haha. The last chapter was extremely short! Sorry:/

Dont forget to vote because Ilys!! ✋💦✋💦✋💦 ❤❤

922 words xxxx

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