Chapter eighteen:

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Draco's POV:

"Are you okay mate? Did you take something?" Blaise says and run towards me.

His big hand is on my forehead and he's looking at me like I'm seriously ill.

"Get your hand off me." I growl.
I don't need to tell him twice. He pulls his hand away but he still looks at me with concern.

"Did she use a love potion on you?" He asks.

"Hardly. Just forget I told you" I say bluntly.

"But it's Granger!" He moans.

"I don't care! She's great. " I say and his face turns in confusion.

"In bed?" He asks.

"Yes. Wait no I mean yes I think. What I mean is she's a great person" I say and he looks ready to do an exorcism.

"Are you together?" He asks.

"Not exactly. I suppose it's friends with benefits." I say and he laughs.

"Thank Merlin you're not totally whipped for Granger." He says and I send him a glare.

"Don't laugh at her!" I shout.
He only laughs harder.

"Haha I was wrong!! Next thing you'll be doing is getting your wand and shouting Accio Condom." He says with a laugh.

"How do you know we haven't already?" I ask with a smirk.

"Because I know Granger. I also know you, you're not that kind of guy" He says.

"Granger's a right little minx." I say and he laughs.

"I'm sure she is." He says.

"Don't tell anyone! if you do I'll tell everyone your little secret" I threatened.

"I'll keep my mouth shut." He says immediately.

"Good." I say with a smirk. "Blaise Nancy Zabini."

We get ready for bed and I decide to write, Granger a letter. I ignore, Blaises chanting of him calling me whipped and begin to write.


The following days classes are crap. I've got so much homework it's not right! By the last class which was potions I was ready to kill.

We had it with the Gryffindors and when Hermione walked in it was the rainbow after the rain.

Blaise was right.

I'm bleeding mental.

She smiled at me and I smiled back. I felt Blaise elbow me and I broke my gaze on her. I glared at him and he began to try mock me. He gave a lovesick look and chuckled.

"Whipped." He whispered as Slughorn, had started teaching.

"Shut up or I'll make you." I whispered.

He looked over at Granger and gave her a wink. She looked at him with confusion. I hit him in the back of the head.

"What the fuck." He said out loud.

Slughorn turned around and glared.

"Mr. Zabini and Mr. Malfoy what's the problem?" He said with a hard look.

"He hit me." Blaise said with an innocent look.

All eyes turned to me and I was feeling uncomfortable under Slughorns gaze.

"And why was that?" He asked.

"I... Uh.. " I mumbled.

"He was jealous." Blaise said with an evil smirk in my direction.

"HE'S LYING!" I shouted.

"He was jealous cause I winked at..."

"SHUT UP BLAISE!" I cut in.

"Well Mr. Malfoy jealous or not  I want you to switch seats as you can't be trusted not to assault Mr. Zabini" He said.

"Where to?" I asked.

"Well you can switch seats with Miss Weasley" He says and and I look over to see her seated beside Hermione.

It's my lucky day! I grab my books and make my way besides Hermione. Ginny smirks at me as I walk past. Seated behind, Hermione is Potter and Weasel.

It is my lucky day after all...


Hermione's POV:

After an awkward dinner with Harry and Ron I feel ready to explode. Harry was being strangely silent and well let's say Ron was not holding back.

He was glaring at Draco and I in potions and mumbling swear words under his breath just loud enough for us to hear him.

Dinner consisted of Draco and I making eye contact and Ron ranting.

I was glad to get out of there make my way to the room. Draco had left 5 minutes before me so it wouldn't look suspicious.

But Ron and Harry knew without a doubt that we were sneaking off with eachother.

I walked through the wall and Draco was waiting. I pulled him in for a bone crushing hug.

He kissed my forehead and I smiled.

"They know." I say.

"I know I noticed the glares." Draco said.

"What was that all about in Potions?" I asked with confusion.

"Well for starters, Blaise knows and he was trying to piss me off by winking at you." He explained.

"Makes sense and aww were you jealous?" I asked with sly smile.

"No I wasn't." He says immediately.

"Oh okay them maybe I'll go talk to Blaise he seems nice and totally fine." I say and go to leave.

"Don't move." He says and his angry voice stops me in my tracks.

He pulls me close and puts his lips on mine. He kisses me hard and I sigh against his lips.

He pulled away quickly and says "Don't ever say that again."

He was furious from a little joke. I began to laugh and he looked at me with confusion.

"I was only messing. I'll only ever kiss you." I say and he smiles.

"No Weasel" He asks.

"No Weasel" I answer and he kisses me again.

I smile against his lips and he groaned when I bit his lip. I feel like every kiss before the right kiss doesn't count and this was the right one.

We stumbled to the bedroom only pulling away for deep breathes.

He slammed me into the bed kissing me furiously. He hovered over me as we moved our lips our tongues fighting for dominance inside.

His hands cupped my cheeks and we both pulled away. His eyes were full of desire and his lips swollen from our hard kisses.

He nibbled on my neck and left kisses going down my neck. He was breathing heavily and I imagine I was too. I played with his hair and I pulled him down for more kisses.

We both laughed against eachothers lips and his hands rested on my breasts. Only clothes separated us when he began to grind into me.

I moaned when I felt him hard against me. I really wanted to touch him but I worried about his reaction. We kissed for a bit more and then we both pulled apart both heavily panting.

"I should go take care of this." He said with a cheeky grin pointing at his tent in his pants

"No allow me." I said and his eyes widened.

"Are you serious?" He asked his eyes dark with desire.

I nodded and heard him begin to drop his pants.

If I get a good few votes and comments ill update really soon!!

Thanks for the read! Bye xxx

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