Chapter seventeen:

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"Because I love you" ~Ron
"I am currently seeing Hermione Granger." ~ Draco

Hermione's POV:

I stare open mouthed.
The whole room is in silence.
Harry is staring at the wall feeling awkward. Ginny is glaring at Ron. I on the other hand am staring at Ron who's looking at me expectantly.

"What do you want her to do? Run into your arms or something?" Ginny says with a glare that could kill.

"That's not happening Ron. You're pathetic and a lying good for nothing Weasel" I say calmy.

"SHE'S EVEN BLOODY SOUNDING LIKE HIM!" Ron yells and he bangs his fists off the wall.

"Ron calm down" Harry tells his best friend who's fists are now bloody.

Ron pulls away from his friend and sits in the bed with his head in his hands.

Blood was all over the sheets from his bloodied knuckles.

She sighed and took her wand out and went to Rons side. She pointed her wand at his knuckles and muttered "Ferula."

This bandaged up his knuckles and he didn't even look at her. She huffed and said "I'm going to bed."

Ron looked up his face clear of any emotion and said "Be careful that Malfoy doesn't slither in."

She glared at him and looked to Ginny who followed her out slamming the door behind them.

She walked past all the curious and disapproving eyes to the girls dormitories.
Ginny glared at anyone in our way.

When we were finally in our room I sighed before flopping onto my bed.

"What is wrong with him." I ask frustrated as hell.

"I don't think he's lying." Ginny says with watching eyes.

"Ron broke my heart! He ripped me apart and now he tells me when I look for comfort with another guy." I snap. "Why doesn't he go fuck, Lavender?"

"Don't give up Malfoy for Ron, he doesn't deserve it and Malfoy wouldn't deserve the pain that would come along with it." She says and I nod.

"You're right Malfoy is finally opening his heart and I am opening mine again and I've never felt better." I say and Ginny looks shocked.

"You mean?" Ginny squealed.

"Yes I do. I'm in love with Draco Malfoy and I'm probably crazy." I say as Ginny laughs and pulls me in for a bone crushing hug.

"You are definitely crazy." She shouts and I laugh.

I suddenly realise that tonights madness has been forgotten for now and sleep will come easy.

I get ready for bed excited to see that blonde guy that turned my world upside down. Tomorrow would be hard but it would be worth it in the long term.

Just before my eyes shutted I heard an owl at the window. I open it up and Draco's owl swooped in leaving a letter addressed to me in my hand before leaving.

I tear it open and I let out a yawn.

Dearest Granger,

I hope this finds you well and I sure hope I haven't woke you. I'm just kidding I hope I woke you up but on second thought you need all the beauty sleep you can get. :)

Anyways I hope to see you after dinner tomorrow and I expect we won't be interrupted again. You tell your red haired friend (not Weasel) the female version that if she ever does that again things won't be pretty.

Good night Hermione.


Thank you for reading ! Xx
Next chapter will be Dracos pov with Blaise. Please vote and I love you all

Soz for the short chapter I have exams in 3 and a half weeks and I'm gonna fail:/ why can't I be as smart as Hermione and as stunningly beautiful as Draco my gorgeous blonde xx

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