The Kiss

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How many times do I have to do this before, I finally understand that I need to ask who it is?!

I opened the door to find Ashley.

The bitch of the school.

The one that always had to have the last word IN EVERYTHING.

"Dammit!" I yelled

She just barged in my house like she owned the place.

"Why are you here?!" I questioned and screamed all together.

"Listen here and listen good Miss Prissy! I don't know what you think that you're doing with those new guys but you better back off." She got in my face and said.

"Don't go and use your hoeing skills on them." She added

What the actual fuck?!

I thought in my head.

"Don't forget that we use to be bestfriends. So I know all of your secrets. That whole cutting scandal is why I dropped your ass in the first place and, im sure they will too once they find out!"

I felt a tear form in my eye.

"Go ahead and cry. Nobody cares! Now, I won't tell the whole school just your little friends. They can do the rest."

And with that she walked right out of my house.

I felt tears trickle down my cheeks.

The urge had returned...

I needed it.

Right Now.

I ran into my bedroom and searched for it.

That piece of metal.

Was I about the give up my three day record?

3 days? Fuck that.

I ran into my bathroom with no bother to lock the door because, no one else was here.

I slipped that metal right across my wrist.

A line of blood appeared, it slid down my arm and onto the floor.

I didn't care how many I did.

I just wanted to get this pain away.

I kept going.




Not stopping anytime soon.

If I have to go onto my thighs, I will.


Zayn's POV:

We finally reached Alexia's house after Harry had to run back and shower.

"Hopefully she hasn't changed her mind about us coming" said Liam.

"Doubt it. She said that her mom was not going to be home until around 11." Harry replied

"Are we staying there until then?" I asked

"Maybe." Harry said back.

We all finally got out of the car. Louis got out first, so he hang the doorbell.

*Doom-Doom-Doom-Doooom- Doom-Doom-Doooom-Doom*

The doorbell rang but, no one came.

Louis rung it again.

"Maybe she doesn't hear it?" said Niall.

He twisted the doorknob and it actually opened.

"Who leaves their door unlocked all of the time!" I exclaimed

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