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I really missed Alexia. We all did, actually.

Returning back to school, after that long weekend and taking three days off was a little rough.

We still had that whole semester project to do. Alexia was gone and there were rumors going around.

She tried to kill herself.

Harry tried to kill her.

She's dead.

She ran away.

She's in jail.

I've heard all of those today, and it's still first block. That's sad. Harry didn't even come to school today. Not only because of his broken leg but, he didn't want to face all of those people. Knowing that there would be rumors and, questions piling up on him. He wouldn't be able to take it.

Today was another in class work day, for the project. Zach and Morgan decided to sit and talk about Alexia to me. They both had grins on their face, so they knew what they were doing.

"Didn't you think that she was a slut anyway?" Morgan asked me.

"Uhm. No." I blankly replied.

"I did. She was all over Harry." She said again.

"No! She wasn't. Don't ever say that because, it's not true." I was getting mad now.

"He's probably only dating her because, nobody else will." Zach interrupted.

That's when I lost it.

"Stop! Neither one of you know anything about Alexia. You know nothing about Harry, or any of us for that matter. Just stop. Quit acting like you're better than everyone else because, you aren't." The entire class, plus the teacher were now looking at me.

That's when I just walked out of the class.

I could hear Mrs. Willow calling my name from down the hall. I didn't care though.

I kept walking.

We didn't drive my car to school, so I had to walk. I didn't mind it though.

I was pissed. Why would they even think about talking about them that way. Why?! How in the world could people hate someone so much. Such an innocent person. Alexia has never done anything to harm anyone.

I just don't understand.

The wind was picking up. Blowing a lot more, as time was winding down. I was only about a block away from Alexia's house, where Harry should be. While her mom was at work. Why did they trust us with their house? Why am I questioning everything..

I just need sleep. My anger is building, and I don't like it. I needed sleep.


Urges. Urges. and more Urges.

I couldn't help it. I wanted to cut or purge one. I didn't care which one.

I don't have a blade. I have eaten though.

It's bad that I want to do this now. Here. In Rehab, where I should be getting help for it.

Ellie wasn't even in the room right now. It was her Evaluation time.

Better do it quick..

I rushed to the bathroom, and got my toothbrush.

To quickly purge everything before Ellie came back, or anyone decided to walk in.

I stuck the end of my toothbrush to the back of my throat with no hesitation.

Nothing came up..

To make it easier, I had to drink a little bit of water.

I rushed to drink the water.

Got back down. And, stuck the toothbrush back down.

In a quick second everything I had eaten those past two hours, filled the toilet.

I stared down past that white toilet bowl.

I just looked. Nothing to say..

I didn't want to flush it just yet. I got up, rinsed out my mouth with some burning terrible tasting mouthwash.

Breath check. Im good.

I had just slid back down to sit on the floor, when the door to my room opened.

"Hello?!" Someone yelled.

"Alexia.." They yelled again.

Oh, my god. It was Ellie.



Thank you, for 1.7K reads! ❤️

I love all of you.


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