Chapter Eighteen

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"Teru. Teru, get up," Akira said, shoving her awake and moving to get up from the bed. He tried to throw the blanket off of her, although she just curled up and clung to the blankets pulled around her shoulders.

"Nooooo, Akira. I don't wanna get uuuuuuuuuuup," she whined, face down into her pillow so that it was muffled. Her short hair stood up in spikes, and her bony hands shook from her tight grip.

He rubbed his eyes before moving to her side of the bed and wrapping an arm around her torso in an attempt to make her sit up. "Teru, c'mon. I know it's a Saturday and your only day off but we've got the Ouran High School Host Club Christmas Party-"

"Fuck the Christmas party." He pulled her back out of bed and against him so her back was to his chest.

"Teru! We have to go, unless you wanna get kicked out of the club you seem to enjoy so much!" He was getting irritated; after all, he didn't care either, but he knew she did.

"Fuck the club, I'm tired. I didn't sign up for this bullshit." She rubbed her eyes, and he fought back the urge to drop her on her bottom and gently placed her down, although smacked her hand when she reached for her pillow before putting his hands on his hips.

"Teru, you're going to the Christmas Party, or so help me-"


"Wear this." He was already at the closet, and threw a button up at her.

"I don't wanna..." He sent her a glare. "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine...."


Teru stood at the base of the stairs, leaning back on one leg against the railing. She wore a white button up, dark brown slacks, a dark brown vest, thin leather belts (?) holding her sleeves in place on her upper arm, and brown oxfords. Her sleeves were rolled up to her elbows, and her hair was gelled to her right with black gloves on her hands and eyeliner and mascara on her eyes.

She looked judgmentally over the ballroom and the many girls. She judged their dresses, their personalities, and couldn't help but wonder why Tamaki wanted to help any of them. They were all brats.

"I see you're like the twins in more ways than I thought," Kyoya said, approaching from behind. She boredly turned to look at him, and he couldn't help but take a moment to be mesmerised by her vibrant green eyes, which were oddly feminine-more so than normal. In fact, her features were quite feminine, and her body very, very thin. He already knew of that medical problem, though, with or without actual proof.

"How so, Ootori-senpai?" she asked, raising an eyebrow in challenge. He smirked, pushing up his glasses.

"Well, you are in your own world, more so than them by now. What happened to you that caused you to be so judgmental, mind me asking? You didn't know them after you were nine, after all." He clicked his pen open, smiling innocently at her.

"Quit your fake smile, Ootori-senpai." She looked away, back to the girls as the hosts went out into the crowd. "And... it's... well, a sad story. That you probably don't want to hear." Her hands shook slightly as her gaze turned to the ground.

"Let's just say that I lost everything that was my motivation to keep moving ahead." She clenched her eyes closed as she listened to Kyoya approach, flinching as he touched her shoulder.

"You've lost more than just their friendship, haven't you?" She nodded, clenching her teeth together and a vein popping out on her neck. He noticed how she didn't have an Adam's apple as he pulled her into a hug.

She gasped through clenched teeth as he just set his chin on her shoulder, pulling her in closer. He smirked as he felt Akira's hard, envious glare on his back, before his eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

Was Teru...

He slowly pulled away to find her blushing, and she snapped back and folded her arms over her chest. "Fuck you and your hugs and your weirdness, Kyoya Ootori," she said, while he just smirked.

"Didn't know you could be so feminine, Teru."

There's a Story Behind Every Smile (Hitachiin Triplets, OHSHC)Where stories live. Discover now