In Honour of A Mother

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I was supposed to go before you

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I was supposed to go before you... and you were supposed to grow old, like you were always afraid you wouldn't...

She died on December 12, 2013, at 39 years old, from pneumonia and asthma, the mother of one normal girl, and another that didn't know her reason for life, her only true friend her mother for the three and a half years leading up to that dreadful day.

The woman that was sympathetic, forgiving, sarcastic, loving, fashion-forward, and the best mother a girl could have, who fought to keep her girls in court despite everything. One who treated her oldest like her best friend more than her daughter, which was exactly what the girl needed more often than not. Her oldest daughter would watch Law & Order: SVU, Scandal, Downton Abbey, and Grey's Anatomy with her, make the family of three dinner, nurse the two who caught sickness so easily, all while fighting the mental illness in her head.

Of course, she never thought sickness, asthma especially, a big deal. Not when her mother had a stroke, not when she called the ambulance for her mother at nine, not when she was in the hospital at least once a year.

But enough to not enter the last hospital room until they promised she would live.

Enough to not give her mother a true goodbye.

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