The Encounter

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A brown haired girl was walking down the street. Beside her were her friends Makayla and Chloe. Makayla had long dark brown hair and hazel eyes while Chloe had short reddish brown hair and dark brown eyes. "Yo Lexi," said Makayla, "Who's that in our seat at the cafe?" "I don't know," replied the first girl, this is Lexi she has medium length brown hair and blue eyes. "Lets find out," said Chloe. Chloe walked up to the young man in the cafe seat and punched him in the gut. "GUT SHOT!" Makayla yelled as the young man recovered. She then walked up to him and slapped him in the face. "OH MY GA! WHY YOU IN MY SEAT BOY! THE DEMONS WILL KILL YOU NOW!" Chloe yelled as Makayla tries to calm her down. "Either she has been reading way too many fan-fics or she's stuck in anime landia again," said Lexi, "Sorry for my friends' actions, they're just being really stupid right now." "Its okay. I'm new here so i'm a little lost," he said with a hint of sadness in his voice, "I'm Nathan by the way. "
"Lexi, and the girl that went on a rant is Chloe and the other one is Makayla." Lexi said as rolled her eyes at the sight in front of her. Chloe was rolling around in a mud puddle while Makayla was trying to throw Chloe's boyfriend Logan in too. "Is this normal?" Nathan asked.
"Well as normal as you can get around here," Lexi relied, "What grade are you in by the way?" "Oh uh I'm in 11th grade. But I'm not sure where the school or anything is," he said.

On A Wednesday In A Cafe (Lathan) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now