The Date

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The song in the media is what I listen to while writing. It also describes their feelings for eachother. P.S. IRL i'm totally trying to make this ship come true.


At the cafe. Third P.O.V.

The six high-schoolers walk to the cafe. Everything is set up due to Chloe's skills in threats.


"Hello Ms.Chloe," said the waiter, "How can I help you?" Chloe explained the whole situation to her and asked her to set up the two requested tables with flowers and such. The waiter agreed. Knowing to not anger Chloe she had every thing set up at exactly 1:30.


"So you two are sitting over there," explained Chloe as she pointed to the two person table. "Wow!" Logan said, "They actually took the bait! How'd ya do it?" "I have my ways," was the only reply that Logan got from Chloe. "Now all we need to do is get Lexi to leave while we take her phone and put Nathan's number into it," mumbled Makayla. "I know how!" Chloe practically screemed. "Calm my child," Makayla said as a reference to fairy tail. Chloe ignored the statement and talked to one of the waiters. The waiter nodded and Chloe came back to her seat. "The trap is set," she said while and evil smile spread across her face. "I'm officially scared if your girlfriend," Noah said to Logan. "You get used to it," said Logan.

Meanwhile with the other two

"Sorry if my friends creep you out," Lexi said, "This is not the first time they've set me up on a date, but it is the first time they've came which means the have some tricks up their sleeves."
"Its all good. I don't mind, really," He said.
"Oh look here's our waiter,"Lexi said as she approached. Suddenly the waiter tripped making her spill smoothie all over Lexi. "Oops. Sorry," The girl stuttered in a panic. "It's ok," Lexi said. She then left to go to the bathroom. As soon as she was gone Chloe ran up, grabbed her phone and started typing something. "Nathan," Chloe said, "I'm just putting your number in her phone and your name as Lover-Boy Cupid. Seeya." With that she put the phone back and left. Lexi then returned. "What did they do?" She asked, obviously knowing what happened on these dates. "They put my number in your phone under the name Lover-Boy Cupid," Nathan replied. Lexi just laughed. "They're going easy on me today!" She exclaimed in between laughs.
The date finished like normal and there weren't any other distractions. They did get to know each other though.


Shout out to pandapanzi101 for writing a fan-fic about me and Logan for me. Comment if you want a fan-fic about Makayla and Noah.

On A Wednesday In A Cafe (Lathan) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now