The Plan

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"Okay so the everyone's here right?" Chloe asked
"Yeah!" the other three yelled.
"Okay, so here's the plan. First we'll go to the cafe. Here us four will take the usual table while we force the other two to sit over there at that two person seat. We'll be making this as romantic as possible for the two. K?" finished Chloe. The other three nodded. "Now lets randomly show up a Lexi's house!" yelled Makayla.

Time Skip a Lexi's house

*knock knock*
"Hello," said Lexi's dad as he opened the door. (P.S. in this story Lexi's mom died and her dad is super nice to her friends *Sorry Lexi. Just the way I roll k)
"Hey," Chloe said. "Oh, hey Chloe!" He yelled as he wrapped her in a bear hug.
"So," Makayla started, "We have a plan to set Lexi up with a guy that we know she likes. Soooooo, we need your permission."
"Ok, as long as the boy is nice and A GENTLEMAN! Its fine," was the reply. "Ok. Tell Lexi she has a date a 2. Be ready to be picked up a 1:30 okay bye," was all Chloe said before she left.

Lexi's P.O.V.

"Hey princess," Dad said as he walked in, "You have a date at 2 so be ready at 1:30. Chloe and the gang are picking you up." Then he left. Those two are so annoying but at least I know who it's with this time and they're coming so I won't have to worry about that thing. Okay. Crap! Its already 11:30! I gotta get ready!

Nathan's house Nobodys P.O.V.

*knock knock*
"Hello," Nathan called as the people he met yesterday walked in. "So Nathan," The one named Chloe began, "You have a date with Lexi at 2 today. Be ready by 1:15 'cuz we're gonna pick you up then Lexi okay." All Nathan could do was nod. "Also, if you start to hit on our girlfriends you will pay. Got it?" The boys threatened. "A-aye Sir" Nathan stuttered. The girls just laughed. Then they left.

Nathan's P.O.V.

Wow a date with Lexi. I mean I know I just met her yesterday but I kinda like her. Man those girls can be scary though. And you can tell that no one goes against Chloe and Makayla with their boyfriends their. Oh well. Gotta keep unpacking. U can't wait 'till 2.

On A Wednesday In A Cafe (Lathan) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now