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Nathan's P.O.V.

Wow. I like actually said that I like her and she didn't notice. Well I still got three months until school starts so I have three months to kiss her. Okay you can do this Nathan. I should text her but I don't wanna come off desperate. Hmmmmm

Lexi's P.O.V.

Woah! He like straight up told me that he liked me but I ignored it. I'm so stupid. I could text him. Its not the demons would see right? Yeah. Ok. I'll text my crush. Is this how Chloe and Makayla felt when they first started texting Logan and Noah. Ok you have 3 months to kiss him. You can do this.

Texing later that day

L- Lexi N-Nathan

L: Hey Nathan
N: Hey Lexi
L: so you have fun at our date
N: yeah but I don't know what Makayla's skills are when it comes to matchmaking
L: You're gonna find out soon
N: why
L: Chloe is going on a trip for tomorrow with Logan and Noah so Makayla will be in charge of getting us together
N: should I be scared
L: she may not be as creative and suddle as Chloe but her tactics work
N: Well night Lexi
L: Night Nathan

Meanwhile Makayla's P.O.V.

I have the plan that Chloe gave me. Without anyone in the way they will get together. I mean come on with Chloe's idea twins could love eachother.


Ok so heres the plan. Get them alone. Then have someone Nathan doesn't know and have them trip so Lexi falls into Nathan creating a kiss. Now remember get pictures of this for me or your dead. Now you can spice it up a little but try to stick to the plan.


Well. Time to set the trap. I can't forget my camera though or I'm dead!

On A Wednesday In A Cafe (Lathan) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now