When a Demon Gets Chocolate

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Omg! Thanks for reading my s***ty book. Its not the best but, Oh Well! ON TO THE RACES!


Group text with the beach friends


Lexi: What did you do Jason

Jason: Nothing

Laxus: He gave the demon chocolate

Nathan: Run! Its the apocalypse

Noah: Just about

Makayla: Sooooo, What now

Conner: Pin her down and confiscate anything that can be used as a weapon

Lexi: So take her and put her in an empty room with padded walls

Laxus: Pretty much, yeah

After they tied Chloe to her bed and left her there until the next day when they released her after they killed Jason.

No One's P.O.V.

"So, I'm sorry about what I did yesterday," Jason apologized for like the ten-millionth time in the last ten minutes. "No one cares Blondie," a very pissed demon retorted. "Yeah, just leave the roses to die," Lexi said. "What?" a very confused Nathan asked. "Why you gotta be so mean?" Chloe said. "People throw rocks at things that shine," Noah continued. (See the pattern. Hint look at the media) "Loving her was red," Laxus sighed. "You belong with me," Chloe responded. "This love is ours," Makayla said. "We are never ever, ever getting back together," Jason said. "Oh, I get it," Nathan said, "The stakes are high, the waters rough." "But this love is ours!" Everyone sang. "I knew you were trouble when you walked in," Lexi said. All at once they yelled, "SWIFTIES UNITE!" "Lets go get food," Noah said. "FOOD!" Chloe, Laxus, Jason, and Conner yelled. "Lets go bitches!" Conner yelled. "That's rude, asshole," Chloe responded. "Lets not here okay you two?" their father said appearing out of no where. "You pay?" the twins asked. "Yes," came the sighing response, "I'm feeling 22." "NOPE! NOT GETTING BACK ON THE CRAZY TRAIN!" Conner screeched like a banshee getting abducted by aliens and fed to a periwinkle polka-dotted llama with a serious drooling issue. They continued walking to Mark's Eatery making Taylor Swift references and begging Chloe to sing.

Le Timeskip brought to you by me making a friend while eating a potato that looked like a llama

Chloe's P.O.V.

I finally agreed to singing, but I needed a male voice too. Hmmmmmm, Conner can sing! I'll force him to sing. Yeah! I did a mental happy dance. We were seated at an outdoor table because we had the wolf pack with us. "ACHOOOOO!" I sneezed out of no where. "Well," the Old Fart began, "That's nice." "Okaaay," Nathan responded. "Okay, Lathan," Dad said simply. Man, I love my family so fucking much! They are the best assholes and bitches *cough* Conner *cough* in the world! "Satan, earth to Satan," Laxus said waving his hand in front of my face. "What?" I asked. "Just wondering if something was wrong, there is food and your not eating it!" Conner exclaimed. "Oh!" I yelled jumping out of my seat as I started to gobble down the foods like all uncivilized things dos. "Lathan," my father repeated. This caused the dogs to start yipping and jumping. "Wonder who trained the Hell Hounds," The waiter, my cousin Phil, said sarcastically. "Ha ha U.P.S. Phil," I insulted. "Hey!" he retorted. "Its the truth," Conner said. Dad was laughing his ass off, like always. "Lexi and the Newbie, not bad Karma, not bad at all," Phil complimented. He calls me Karma because he watched this anime with a murderous character named Carma, but also because I always get even and I hold a grudge like a BOSS! "Yeah, they're dating, by choice!" Laxus told him. "Awesome, I'm still trying to get Kat and Hayden to kiss," he said sadly. "You have improved my young soldier. Now go wage the war of love with our unsinkable ships of DESTINY!" I pep-talked him. "Just why?" Nathan questioned behind me. "Cause I can! Now time to sing! Conner come on!" I drug Conner up to the outdoor stage and we started to sing.

When we were done we had a crowd cheering and throwing breadsticks at us. Ya know, like they do. Me and Conner started to fight over who could catch the most breadstick in their mouth and all that good shit. We just had a good time and soon, we went home.

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