Chapter 4

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Taylor's POV: 

The training room was on the top level of the building turns out this place wasn't only a hospital but also a hide away.

Throughout the entire walk up I kept my head down and didn't say a word, the last thing I needed was to be drugged again and placed back into that hospital room, hopefully that was the last time I would ever see it.

The doctor had left straight after I was escorted out of the hospital room he didn't say much to me after his last comment about the other patients, but the question that kept lingering in my mind was why on earth did the Joker specifically want me alive for?

"TAYLOR" my head snapped into the direction of one of the bodyguards yelling in my direction.

"Yes" I asked snapping out of my own thoughts.

"You can go in now, his waiting for you" The bodyguard replied.

As I stood outside of the double mahogany doors I was dreading what would be on the other side of them.

Slowly I walked up and pushed the double doors open. 

Entering slowly into the room, the room was pitch black I couldn't make out anything in front of me, the doors behind me slammed shut making me nearly jump out of my skin.

"HA, HA, HA." The sinister laugh of Joker sent shivers down my spine. 

I guess I'm not alone.

"Well hello doll face, nice to finally be able to catch up again after our last encounter." Joker said cynically

"Where are" I quietly mumbled.

"My sweet, sweet, doll face you have nothing to fear, were just going to have a lot of damn fun together, I your king and you my queen will rule this damn town." Joker replied

"I don't know what you expect of me." I said finally finding the confidence in my voice.

"I have nothing to give you, I'm ordinary, there is nothing special about me, I'm just a girl that has lost her family, that doesn't make me special."

Two arms slowly slid their way around my torso and pulled me back against their chest, my breath hitched, I've already been accustomed to this chest before.

His lips slowly brushed up against my neck which sent shivers down my spine, his hands slowly rubbed up against the side of my body one hand kept moving further up, while the other stayed onto my hip holding me in place.

A small moan escaped my body, I could feel the smirk of Jokers lips against my skin.

The feeling of being vulnerable against someone turned me on with such a desire that made me feel different to other women, I shouldn't be getting turned on by someone who kidnapped and might still possible torture me, but the feeling of the unknown was invigorating. 

His right thumb gently stroked my cheek, while his lips continued to tease the side of my neck with soft kisses as he gently blew on the parts, which he licked, making me shudder under his touch.

Suddenly his right hand reached up, yanking on my ponytail, pulling my head to the side while he pushed himself closer to my body.

"Now you listen here doll face." he whispered into my ear. 

"Your so much more than you will ever know, your the most beautiful creature that I've laid my eyes on, once you realize the gifts in which I have given you, your going to realize exactly what I see and mean."

The hand he had on my hip flipped my body around so now I was facing him, the lights had been turned on in the training room.

I was even closer this time to Jokers face, every single detail up close was magnificent, under all that makeup was a handsome guy who was completely lost with all that he has endured in his life.

His eyes are what took my breath away, they were the brightest shade of blue I've ever seen, you could just get lost staring into them.

Those eyes could tell a thousand stories with all that he has seen and been through. 

"Has something caught you attention Taylor." Joker said with a hint of a smirk.

"Umm." Really Taylor that's the best response you could give.

Joker chuckled lightly under his breath and turned back towards me.

"You're going to wish, doll face, that you had meet me sooner."

Before I had time to respond his lips captured mine.

I was completely taken back by his action that I stood there like an idiot and didn't respond, his hands snaked themselves around my waist as he pulled me even closer to him waiting for me to respond.

Slowly I pushed my lips back against his and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him even closer to me. The kiss was hot, passionate and steamy he kept biting my lower lip wanting entrance which I happily obliged to and he slipped his tongue into my throat his tongue and mine moving simultaneously.

Every part of my body was on fire this was one of the best kisses I've ever experienced, his hands where roaming and tugging at my hair as pushed himself further into my body, a small moan escaped from the back of my throat, as things were starting to get steamer he pulled away from me and pushed my hips and body back down into place.

I looked straight up into his face as he moved one of his hands up to his mouth rubbed some of his red lipstick onto his finger and then rubbed that against my lips.

"Your first assignment is with me and my crew tomorrow Taylor, will see exactly what your made off, until then doll face I hoped you liked that little reminder of me." Joker said smirking at me and with that he turned around and walked off.

What just happened?

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