Chapter 3

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Taylor's POV: 

The next day came around way to soon, I hardly got an ounce of sleep last night all that kept going through my mind was everything that the doctor told me and still I had no idea what his name was or how he came to work for the Joker, although I didn't give a shit about that ass, there was something about him that made me feel uneasy.

I've been awake for the past two hours the cannulas are still in my arms pumping the blue liquid into my system no one has come in to see me in the time I have been awake and my restraints are still in place.

"Good morning Taylor."

Speaking of the bloody asshole. 

As I turned my head in his direction there were two other people with him.

"Taylor these two men are here to assist me in moving you to your training area where you'll learn to control your abilities."

"So what your pretty much saying is that these two are going to be your babysitters and place me back into line whenever I over step my boundaries." I replied sarcastically at him.

"Exactly Taylor." He smugly replied.

"Asshole." I mumbled under my breath.

"I'm going to be taking these cannulas out of your arm today Taylor they've been in your arms for the past 4 days since you arrived." The doctor said.

"I've only been here for two days." I replied like it was common knowledge. 

I think I know how many days I've been here for.

"And for two of those days you were unconscious Taylor and when you tried to escape you were unconscious for most of that night" he said looking dead straight at me.


If only I wasn't restrained,  I would punch the smug look off his face.

"Relax Taylor, you haven't died, so the liquid has done what it needed to, we've tested it on other living material and animals before we got human tests subjects in."

"Well that makes me feel even better." I mumbled to myself.

The doctor walked over to me and read my vital signs. 

"Interesting" he whispered to himself, but also just loud enough for me to hear.

"What's so interesting Doctor, do share you knowledge with the rest of us." I asked smugly but deep down I was terrified of what he was going to say next.

"Your vital signs are doing extremely well with the treatment Taylor, in fact out of all the patients we have got here your body is responding the best to the chemical compound."

Looking down at me, for the first time since we've meet he was actually sincerer.

When he was done with the rest of my tests he removed the cannulas and bandaged up my arms.

"Ok boys lets move her to the training area." The doctor said while waving his arm in the air for them to come over to me.

"Wait." I quickly said

"What Taylor, we don't have time for this, Joker hates it when where late." He quickly looked down at his watch.

"Who are the other patients ?" I mumbled quietly, afraid of what his response would be to my question."

"You don't need to worry about them Taylor, they have all been permanently deleted from the program we only needed one test subject who could undergo the treatment without any complications, Joker saw to it that they were destroyed, he specifically said he wanted you alive." He replied coldly.

With that the two bodyguards unrestrained me and walked either side of me, along the corridor towards the same staircase I tried to escape down from. 

The only thought that was running through my mind is I was alone, I'm trapped in the same building that the Joker killed five incident people in.

If he could kill five people without a blink of an eye what will he do to me? 

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