Chapter 15

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Joker's Mansion above

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Joker's Mansion above. 


J never came back to see me, so I spent the rest of the day staying in his room, I didn't feel comfortable enough to leave the room, I was terrified of what would happen if I ran into him. 

I had a shower and for the rest of the afternoon I watched TV.

My powers had really shaken me, I couldn't believe how quickly my personality changed, I was the dominant one over Joker. I was so close to hurting J but at the time I wanted nothing more than for him to feel the same pain I was going through. 

Since my powers have disappeared again I can't believe half of what I said, I feel terrible about it all, I know I shouldn't, especially after all his done to me physically and emotionally, but that's not the sort of person I am.

I don't want to hurt him but he makes me so angry.

I haven't seen anyone around since J left, although he did tell everyone to leave him alone and not interpret him.

I was sick of staying in this room it was only 5.00 and I was starving, considering his room is the biggest in the house I find it outstanding he doesn't have some sort of mini-fridge in here.

I turn the TV off, jump off the bed and head towards the door.

I had my hand on the door handle slightly hesitant whether I was allowed to leave or not, I wasn't sure? No one has called for me or come to collect me, but in saying that no one said I had to stay in here.

I turned the handle and pull the door slightly open peering my head out to make sure that no one was in the hallway, completely empty.

I open the door the rest of the way and walk out, where was everyone? As always each door was shut and locked up, where could Joker have gone. I head down the flight of stairs to the bottom level, heading over into the kitchen.

"What can I have?" I mumbled under my breath

"You want any help?"

I whipped around nearly jumping out of my skin, J was leaning against the bench top.

 I didn't even hear him come in.

"Where have you been? Not that I was looking." I mumbled with my head down trying to hide my blush.

I looked up to see him chuckling under his breath, staring at me.

"I went for a walk, I needed time to think about what you said." J replied looking straight at me.

I reached my arm up, running my hand through my hair. "Oh" was all I managed to say back to him.

The silence that followed was tense and awkward, we both looked up at each other waiting for someone to say anything. 

"Listen J, I'm sorry for what I said, I wasn't in my right mind when I blurted all that shit out to you." I quickly said breaking the silence, staring back down at the ground.

I didn't even realize that J had crossed over to where I was, until he lifted my chin up making me stare at him.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing to you Taylor, you were absolutely right, I treat everyone terrible because I hate myself for what I am, I'm so sorry for comparing you to Harley over and over again, making you into someone your not and I can't believe that I hurt you after everything I said about changing, I'm still working on it, but that's no excuse, will you please give me another chance."

He lightly smiled at me trying to hide how nervous he was.

I was lost for words, I can't believe it, did I just do what no one else has ever done, show J what everyone has wanted to say to him and he finally accepts it.

"J, I'm.... Just thank you." I smiled up at him.

"So were good now Taylor?" J said looking down at me hopefully.

"Yeah everything is perfect." I said wrapping my arms around his waist.

He wrapped his arms around me pulling me further into his chest and lightly kissed the top of my head.

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