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-Peridot's POV-

I wake up and check my clock to see its 6:30 am

I hop off my bed and go downstairs to see mom is nowhere to be seen, guess she must've gone to work early

I get some cereal, again..., and watch some TV while eating, then I remeber of yesterday's events

Lapis Lazuli, an interesting girl I must admit

She certainly knows how to take a person's breath away with views

Maybe, just maybe I could make a friend again

-Lapis' POV-

I get up from bed and walk downstairs to see mom making some pancakes, my favorite kind is when she puts chocolate chips inside the pancakes

"Morning mom!"

"Good morning sweetie" She says and kisses my forehead

"There's a plate of pancakes in the living room, go eat and watch TV if you want"

"Thanks mom!"

I plop down on the couch and eat my pancakes while watching whatever is on

Once I finish I get ready for the day and start walking to school

On my way, I see a familiar blonde walking ahead of me

Oh it's-"Peridot!" I shout out to her

She seemed to have jumped in shock for a second before turning around towards me

"Oh, hello Lapis"

"Oooo you're talking to me now! Does this mean we can be friends?"

After some pondering, she finally spoke up

"Alright, yes, we can be "Friends" "

"Yiss!" I say as I do fist pump

"So Peridot"

"Yes Lapis?"

"I was wondering, since we're friends, would you like to eat with me and some of my other friends?"

"No... I'm only comfortable with talking to you at the moment..."

"Come on Peri...  pleeeeeeaaaaaaase" I say with puppy eyes

After sometime she finally gives up and accepts my offer

"Also what's with Peri? My name is Peridot"

"Ah shush Peri, it's a nickname"

-Later at lunch-

-Peridot's POV-

Oh my stars... what have I got the myself into...

I follow Lapis through the halls and outside where I see a group of people chatting and eating together

This is not going to go well...

She sits down and once I take a seat, I notice everyone is staring at me with wide eyes

I was starting to get very uncomfortable

"I knew it, this was a mistake, I'm going elsewhere" I say as I get

Suddenly I feel a hand wrap around my wrist

"Come on Periii! You said you would eat with us!" She looks at me with those puppy eyes, God I hate those eyes

I sit back down with my chin on my hand and look around

"What?" I ask

"O-oh! Sorry! It's just, we thought you prefer being alone..." said the tall, skinny one

"Normally yes, but Lapis "convinced" me to join you all for lunch"

"Alright! Enough talking! Let's eat!" The small yet big girl said, as she then proceeded to scarf down all her food

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