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This was republished because the one i put out was missing half of the work

Let it be known I'm a bad writer for putting this off for months

-Peridot's POV-

I am currently nervous beyond imagination

Me and Lapis are now a thing and she said she wanted to tell the gang about it

I nearly passed out when she said that

How can I face them now after what happened?!

I reluctantly agreed on it, as she was really excited to tell them

I can only imagine as to how this will go...

-Lapis' POV-

I am so excited!

Me and Peridot are now a thing! I couldn't help but blush at the thought of us

Today is the day we tell the gang of our new relationship!

On the way to school me and Peri walk together now, which elicted suspicious looks from our friends

Classes pass by and lunch time arrives

Me and Peri meet up, just before we go out to the gang

"Are you ready Peri?" I ask her

"Y-yeah! T-totally ready!"

-Third Person POV-

Lapis walks out with Peridot behind her, holding her hand

"Hey guys!" Lapis calls out

"Hey!" they all respond

"So, I got exciting news for you guys!"

"What would that be?" Pearl asks

Lapis turns her head behind her yo look at Peridot

The others try to lean to see what's behind her

Peridot walks out from behind Lapis, still holding her hand

"H-hey guys..." Peridot says, slowly waving her free hand

"P-peridot?" Jasper asks

The others looked at each other, trying to make heads or tails of this moment that's being presented to them

"Ehem, well to clarify your confusion, me and Peridot are now dating!"

And at thst moment, several things happened

Pearl was shocked

Amethyst dropped her drink

Ruby and Sapphire were confused

And Jasper... had a smug look on her face

"About time" Jasper spoke up

All eyes were on Jasper


Soon after we were bombarded with questions from the gang, everything was fine until

The sound of someone on a skateboard was getting near

I stiffened up and Lapis noticed

"Peri, what's wro-" as she asked, she saw what was making the noise

It was Jake on his skateboard

He saw us holding hands and made a bee line towards us

"Uh, what is going on here Lapis?" Jake asks us

"Well, we are dating now"

"And what about, us?" He gestures between Lapis and himself

"Look, me and you, we aren't gonna work, I don't feel anything with you, but with Peri, I feel happiness, plus you called her a weirdo"

"Whatever, I can't believe I asked you out, you're as much of a freak as her" he says as he points at me


To his right, the others give him a sinister look, and Jasper cracks her knuckles

"Care to repeat that?" Jasper says

Jake backs up and then runs, with the others chasing him

"Well that was a thing" I say out loud

"Yeah, it was"



"Are you really okay with this? Dating me? Because I know you liked hi-"

I was cut off by Lapis planting her lips on mine to shut me up

"What do you think that says Peri?

"I think it means I have nothing to worry about"

We'll be happy together

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