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-Lapis' POV-

I'm still processing what Jasper had just told me, it can't be... Peridot has a crush on me?

Once lunch ends and I get to class, I see Peridot sitting normally in her seat

"Oh, Lapis!"

"Hi, Peridot!"

"Look, I'm sorry for acting the way I did earlier, I don't know what came over me, guess I just wasn't feeling well"

"No, it's alright Peridot"

"That's a relief"

"Hey Peri?"


"Me and the girls are having a sleep over tonight, wanna come over?"


"Sweet, cya there Peri!"


-Peridot's POV-

I can't believe myself

Telling Lapis that I was fine when I was clearly not

I told her I was fine when I felt like my heart was shattered before I even got the words to fully confess to her

But that's not important

What's important is that I'm going to a sleepover with the others so I shouldn't be all grumpy about it

I pack my stuff and leave a note in the kitchen for my mom, if she even cared where I was, and left for Lapis' house

Once I get there I knock on the door and I'm greeted by the whole gang

"Peridot! Come in!" Lapis ushers me in

Once I get in I just drop my stuff where ever and sit down where the others are

"Okay guys, let's do something fun! Let's play truth or dare!" Amethyst shouts out

"Amethyst! Be nice!" Pearl shouts at her

"Truth or dare does sound fun, right Ruby?" Sapphire says to Ruby

"Sure does! How about the rest of you" She says to the rest of us

We all agreed to playing truth or dare and we started with me

"Okay, Pearl. Truth Or Dare?" I ask

"Dare" I snicker at an idea that pops in my head

"I dare you, not to get mad at Amethyst for 30 seconds while she annoys you"

She had the most annoyed look on her face while Amethyst was grinning widely

"Ready? Go!"

Amethyst did not waste time trying to annoy Pearl to the max

With each passing second she seemed to get more and more mad

Once her thirty seconds was up she looked like she could kill a man, she could kill me

A few more turns passed until it was Jasper's turn

-3rd Person POV-

"Okay, Peridot, truth or dare?"

"Truth" She responds

"Do you, have a crush on anyone?"

Now at this point, both Peridot and Lapis were panicking on the inside, Peridot was panicking because she was wondering whether to say she does or doesn't

Lapis was panicking because what if Peridot says she really does have a crush on her

"I..." she starts off

"I don't have a crush on anyone...:

The moment she said that it felt like Peridot's heart broke

Lapis, for some reason felt her heart drop at this response, but she didn't know why

Why do they feel like this?


Heya! It's me! I wanna say thanks for all the support that I've gotten in this story. So I wanna bring something back! Imma run a Q&A! Feel free to ask any questions about me and Wattpad, youtube or just about me! That's all for now!

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