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-Late at night-

-Lapis' POV-

I suddenly wake up and looking around I see that it's still late out

I take my phone and check the time to see its only midnight

Ready to go back to sleep, I see Peridot is missing from her sleeping bag on the floor

I started to get up until I heard some talking coming from outside

I approach the window to see Peridot and Jasper outside

-Peridot's POV-

-Just a little bit of time before Lapis wakes up-

I woke up from my sleep and realized it's still night

I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't, there was too much going on in my head

Deciding there's no point, I get your and walk outside to clear my head

Unbeknownst to me, Jasper followed and I didn't notice until she spoke up


"GAH! Dont scare me like that Jasper!"

"Sorry Peridot, I just saw you walk out of Lapis' room and I decided to follow"

I didn't respond, instead I just take a seat on the grassy ground

"So, what's wrong Peri?"

"Who said there's something wrong?"

"You seem sadder than usual"

"Yeah right, I'm perfectly fine"

"I know that look on your face, you're not fine"

I was surprised that she knew I wasn't fine just by looking at me

"Fine, maybe there is something wrong..."

"Is it about what I asked you during ToD?"

"..." I couldn't respond to that

She suddenly put a hand on my shoulder

"Let me guess, you actually do have a crush on someone?"


"It's it... Lapis?"

All I did was blush at that

"So, you actually have a crush on her huh? I had a feeling you did"

"What?! How?!"

"Well Lapis told what happened to you two the other day and it sounds like you actually like her"

"So what, it doesn't matter if I do"

"Why not?"

"Because she doesn't like me! She likes someone else"


"So?! Tell me, how do you tell the girl who helped you when you were a lonely person, who showed kindness, that you love her when she has a crush on someone else?! The only thing I can do is support her and help her with her crush, I can't just tell her out of nowhere"

"I see Peridot. While I can't say that it's easy, but you should tell her someday, otherwise the feeling that you have will just build up and hurt you more if you don't say it"

With that Jasper stood up and walked back to go inside the house

"Night Peridot"


With that she closed the door and I stay out, staring at the stars

What am I going to do?

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