Chapter 1: When She Was Born

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Castiel appeared at a small abandoned bench with a tall light next to it reflecting the shadows that rest there. Anna had asked him to meet her there, but he didn't know why. Anna finally appeared, the sound of her wings flapping catching Castiel's attention. She was holding a bundle of white blankets in her arms as she walked over to Castiel, as he stared at the blankets. Looking close enough towards the bundle, he realised something else was amoung the blankets, something small and pale, a baby.

" Anna, is she--," Castiel asked.

" Yes Castiel, and I need your help, to protect her," Anna interrupted.

" But who?" Castiel relpied with a confused tone.

" Dean, but he can't know, that's why I want her to go somewhere completely safe, without demons or angels," Anna stated, handing Castiel the baby.

" Anna, I don't think I can, I don't know if I can keep this from Dean," Castiel said cautiously.

" Castiel please, I can't protect her, and either can Dean, not until she is older, I need her away," Anna replied as she placed her hand on her baby's head.

" Okay, I will try," Castiel answered, staring at the young infants body.

" Promise you will watch over her," Anna said, removing her hand from the small child's head.

" I promise," Castiel said looking at the baby, " Anna, what is her name," he asked curiously.

" Willow," Anna replied before disappearing.

Castiel stared down at the child in his hands, she was sleeping peacefully in his arms. He smiled a bit then transferred himself and the child to another universe, one where the baby would not come in contact with any evil. He appeared outside an orphanage and placed the baby down at the door, he said, " I will be watching over you," before knocking on the door and disappearing. An old, short, chubby lady in a dress answered the door. She looked down at the steps to see a baby at her feet  with a note. She picked up the baby and rocked her as she read the note.

Her name is Willow Winchester, her mother is dead and her father doesn't know about her, she has his last name though. Please look after her, she is just new born today.

The lady put the note down, " hello Willow, welcome to your new home," she said softly to the baby before walking inside and closing the door to the Kansas Orphanage.

Eight years later......

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY WILLOW," every child in the orphanage screamed as now eight year old Willow walked into the main room.

" Thank you," she answered softly. Willow was always a nice and grateful child, she was quiet and shy except for when she was angry, then she was loud and scary and mean.

" You don't have to thank us Lil, it's your birthday," Willow's best friend Tammy said, giving her a huge hug. Tammy had given Willow the nickname Lil when they turned three. Willow gave her the name Amy.

" Thanks Amy," she said giving her a hug back.

" I made you a card," Tammy said, handing Willow a sparkley folded piece of paper with glue falling off it and a drawing of two stick figures that were meant to be them, " I know I'm not a artist like you are but I tried my best," Tammy continued, a nervous frown on her face.

" Its beautiful Amy, I love it," Willow said giving her a bigger hug. Willow had a natural talent at drawing, she was an amazing artist. According to Tammy she drew like Picasso, but Willow of course didn't believe that.

" Willow," said the lady who had taken her inside when she was left outside on the doorstep.

" Yes Ms Gomez," Willow answered.

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