Chapter 18: Hunting And A Witch

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Everyone was shocked at the red haired figure standing at the door. Rowena tried to run but Sam grabbed her by the hair and pulled her inside the door. The door slam shut and Sam pushed the witch against it, holding a knife to her neck. Rowena smirked at the weapon Sam held to her neck.

" Really, Moose," Rowena said mocking her son, " We both know that's useless," she continued, still smirking as Sam pushed the knife further to her neck.

" You're right," Sam said, him now being the one that is smirking. He pulled the knife away from Rowena's neck, then motioned a secret hand movement to Dean. Dean threw Sam the bone with blood on it they had conjured up earlier. Sam caught the bone and held it against her chest, right where her heart lies, " But this will," he stated.

Rowena's smirk dropped and she now showed a face of fear, " What do you want?" Rowena asked.

" Oh you bloody well know what we want bitch," Dean replied to her question, Sam pushing the bone further to her heart.

" Look if you want information on Elaine, I'll give you it, she was getting quite annoying anyway," Rowena stated, Rowena then put on a nervous smile, " Just place done your bone," she continued, taking a gulp of saliva.

Sam hesitated on the idea, but slowly pulled the bone away. Rowena took a sigh of relief and gave a cocky smile, this time with confidence. Dean didn't like the idea, but knew it was the only way to get information. Everyone stared as Rowena walked away from the door and sat down on one of the beds, " Right, now what do you want to know," Rowena said smirking.

Sam and Dean looked at eachother, then turned back to Rowena, " What restaurant's does Elaine go to?" Sam asked.

Rowena crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at the question, " Really boys, out of everything that's what you ask?" Rowena stated.

" Answer the damn question!!" Dean snapped.

" Fine, she goes to all of them, mostly ones with good ratings, she thought that if she stayed at one restaurant as she travelled, you's would find us easier," Rowena answered.

" Not good enough, we need names," Meg added in.

" I don't know names, they were random, we just followed Elaines patten," Rowena replied.

" What's her pattern," Sam said, gripping the bone tight.

Rowena saw him grip the bone and started to get nervous again, " I don't know," Rowena answered.

" Bullshit!! whats her pattern?!" Dean yelled.

" I don't know, she wouldn't tell me, all I knew was that I had a specific amount of time, then I would be in a completely different restaurant in a completely different town," Rowena stated, she was lying, she knew Elaine's pattern, but didn't want the Winchester's to know such valuable information. Sam and Dean could see right through her though, even Willow and Meg knew that was a lie.

" Stop lying, what's her pattern?!" Dean yelled, Willow held out her hand and threw Rowena against the wall.

" I see you have been practising your powers," Rowena stated.

Sam ran over towards Rowena and placed the bone against her chest once again, " Stop playing games and answer the question," Sam said.

" I don't think so, as much as I find Elaine annoying, I don't think that you boys should be in the hand of such valuable information," Rowena responded as confident as she could.

" Fine," Sam said, then taking a pause to smile, " Looks like your now a prisoner," Sam continued, turning the bone around and smashing it against Rowena's head, knocking her out.

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