Chapter 19: Interrogation

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The room was dark, with light coming out of only the one small window that was placed high up on the cement wall. The room had a cold breeze, but nowhere the breeze could come from. The light that was reflecting through the window, was a night light, and was aiming for the middle of the floor. In the middle of the floor was a tall thick metal wooden chair, that was nailed to the ground with large bolts. Thick heavy, Large chains with symbols carved into the cuffs, we're connected from the chair and locked around someone's thin arms.

Rowena hanged her head uselessly asleep in the chair, her bright red hair tangled with dry blood from the bone hitting her head. She opened her eyes and pulled up her head to find none other then Meg standing infront of her waiting patiently for her to awake. Meg was holding an angel blade that Castiel had given her, and was slowly and carefully tapping it against her hand. Rowena gave a smirk at the sight and gave a small laugh.

" Come on, we both know that blade won't kill me," Rowena stated.

" Oh I know, but it's not needed to kill, it's needed for endless torture," Meg replied giving the biggest grin she could.

Rowena's face dropped as Meg walked slowly towards her. Meg clung to the knife tightly and started to scratch line's across Rowena's chest. Rowena yelped in pain, but as Meg lifted the knife Rowena started to laugh.

" You're gonna have to do better then that if you want information!!" Rowena exclaimed, still smiling from before. Meg gave a quick smile then with as much force as she could she stabbed it into Rowena's leg. Rowena screamed in pain, then Meg pulled the knife out again, making Rowena wince. Meg smiled again.

" So you are gonna tell me what the pattern is, or I'm going to bring in the big guns, and trust me, their not so merciful!!" Meg stated.

Rowena pulled her head up and looked straight in Meg's eyes, " Never," she answered. Meg scrunched up her face and stabbed Rowena in the other leg, making her scream again, then Meg pulled the knife out and walked over to the door. She turned back to Rowena.

" I'll just have to get experts, now, won't I," she said with a massive smirk then opened the door and closed it behind her as she walked out the room. She walked down a hall and in to a more spacious windowed room. She walked up to Castiel who was waiting patiently leaning on the big table.

" Any progress?" Castiel asked standing up straight and looking at Meg.

" Not yet, I was hoping the Winchester's would have more luck," she said looking around the room, " They haven't arrived yet huh?" Meg continued.

" No," Castiel said, bowing his head.

" Perfect," Meg said in a pissed off sarcastic tone.

" They were out pretty far away from here Meg," Castiel responded.

" Couldn't you have just zapped them here with your magic angel powers? or are you out of angel juice?" Meg suggested.

" I would of, but Dean insisted on driving here, Sam and Willow wanted to go with Dean, so here we are waiting," Castiel answered, getting a bit angrier as he went on.

Meg was about to say something else when they heard the rumble of the impala pull up outside. They both ran over to the door and opened it to find, Sam, Dean and Willow getting out of the car and heading towards them with dufflebags.

" Took you long enough," Meg said as they walked closer.

" Sorry, it's a forty eight hour drive and we did it in twenty!" Dean stated, pissed at Meg being pissed.

" Well she's awake, and it's your turn to torture her," Meg said with a smile handing Sam and Dean the angel blade. Sam took it and they all walked inside. Meg gave Willow a hug then they sat on the couch to watch TV while Sam, Dean and Castiel went down the hall to the room where Rowena is being held captive. They opened the door and all walked up to the smiling red haired witch.

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