Chapter 14: Rescue Mission

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The warehouse was big and bare. There were few windows, and two entrances, only one was accessible. The windows were smashed, some had been covered with old sheets or duck tape, broken glass covered the grounds, leaving little space to walk. The sky's and fields around it were dark and gloomy, the roads cracked and broken. The roof of the warehouse was pointy but still flat, the broken police tape giving off a murderous feel. Elaine had thrown Jody in to a locked room at the abandoned warehouse. Jody was throwing everything she had at the door to try and open it, but failed each time. Elaine and Rowena stood guard outside the door, both smiling as she struggled to escape, and failed.

" The more she throws herself at the door, the weaker she gets," Rowena stated.

" Good, she'll be easier to move, and hopefully kill," Elaine replied.

" You son of a bitch!!" Jody screamed from behind the door.

Elaine laughed, " keep going honey, you'll never get out!" Elaine stated.

" Watch Me!!" Jody yelled back. She then threw herself at the door once again.

Elaine kept on laughing as the door only sprung back in to position. Jody eagerly threw herself against the door again, but this time the door didn't move, she could feel herself getting weaker and weaker with every throw, but ignored it.

" Looks like your spell works," Elaine stated to Rowena.

" Looks like it indeed," Rowena said with a smirk, " Do you think they will come?" Rowena asked.

" I reckon that the girl will, she seems like the type to sacrifice herself for other's, she won't let Jody get hurt," Elaine stated with a smile.

" What about the others? won't they stop her?" Rowena asked.

" That's what I'm counting on Rowena, see if they try to stop her, she will just sneak out, or hurt them, breaking their hearts, so we will take her, and kill Jody, either way we win," Elaine replied with confidence.

" What if they all come?" Rowena stated.

" Then we'll kill them all," Elaine laughed as she heard Jody scream in pain from throwing herself at the door. Rowena smiled at her spell working and the devious plan they came up with.


" What's wrong?!" Castiel said, appearing in the room. Sam had just rang Castiel to tell him what had happened.

" It's Jody, Elaine took her, and she won't give her back unless we hand over Willow," Dean said, he was about to cry at the thought.

" How did she find you?" Castiel asked, he was curious.

" Rowena, we think, she was with Elaine at the time," Sam responded.

" I thought you handed her over to Crowley?" Castiel stated confused.

" We did, she must of escaped," Dean said.

" Or Crowley let her go," Sam said, making his brother death stare him.

" So what's the plan?!" Castiel asked.

" We don't have one," Meg exclaimed, Castiel turned to her, " That's why we called you."

" We do have a plan, they just won't go for it," Willow stated.

" Hell no!! we're not doing it!!" Dean yelled.

" What's your plan?" Castiel asked.

" To hand myself over, and get Jody back," Willow stated.

" No, you will not do that," Castiel responded.

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