Chapter 10: Shes Back Again

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Women above is Elaine.

Dean looked out the window of the safe house, " Where are we Cas?" Dean asked angrily as he saw nothing but snow and trees.

" Canada," Castiel stated.

" Canada, you zapped us to Canada!!" Dean yelled.

" Yes," Castiel replied.

" Why Canada, why not another state in America?!" Dean yelled.

" Dean, it makes sense," Sam stated.

" How?!" Dean yelled, turning around to his brother.

" Because, it's far away from any demon in America, I doubt they are gonna find us here," Sam stated.

Dean stood there trying to find a combat against it but couldn't. He was about to say something but Willow stopped him.

" Dad, I like the idea of being far away, especially if Elaine is back, I feel safer in another state," Willow stated.

Hearing this Dean stopped arguing and just agreed, then another question came to his mind.

" How did she survive? you did stab her didn't you?" Dean stated to Castiel

" I did, I don't know how she survived, or even if E is her, I hoping it's not," Castiel said.

Everyone agreed and bowed their heads at the statement. They had all been assuming the worst. E might not even be Elaine, and now they were hoping it wasn't.

" I have to go, if you are hungry, there is food in the cupboard," Castiel  turned to Willow, " and coffee," Willow smiled, then Castiel turned back to Sam and Dean, " Pray if you need anything," Castiel stated, before disappearing once again.

Willow raced over to the cupboard and pulled out a loaf of bread and a bag of coffee. She then went to the fridge and pulled out eggs and bacon.

" Uncle Sam, get making," Willow stated.

" Yes sargent," Sam said and did a salute. He went into the kitchen  and started to make coffee and sandwiches.

Willow ran over to her father and dragged him over to the couch. She handed him the remote, " Netflix," Willow stated, before running off in to the toilet.

" Why do you think she's giving us orders?" Dean asked turning around to look at his brother.

" Because she knows we will argue if she doesn't," Sam answered, flipping the egg.

" Yeah but why?" Dean stated.

" Probably because she just doesn't want to think about it, just go with it for now," Sam said.

Dean turned around and started to bring up Netflix, Sam continued to make the sandwiches and coffee. Willow walked out the toilet and sat down next to Dean. Sam came over with three sandwiches and three cups of coffee, he handed one each to Willow and Dean. Dean put on an old movie and they all watched the movie, forgetting about all the crap that happened.


A tall brown haired woman walked into a bar. She walked over and sat next to a guy at the counter.

" Did you deliver that message?" the women stated, not looking at the guy.

" Yes, but we've lost them," the men said back, not looking at her either.

" What do you mean you've lost them?!" the women stated.

" We had them then they disappeared again, we're not even sure they are in this state anymore," the men stated.

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