Chapter 16: Ghost's Are Cruel

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The motel was large but still small. The big, tall three story building, towering over the small, square, carpark. The many cars piled in rows of white, red, and blue, then their was that one car that stood out from the rest. Dean's black 67 Chevy impala stood in the middle of the lot, Sam and Willow leaning against the door. Dean walked out with a key swinging on his finger and pointed to a block which said block C. They walked over, dufflebags in hand, to a red door. Sam pushed it open to find a long curvey staircase going up to the top of the roof. They all walked up the never-ending stairs till they hit a white door, a door with blood dripping down the frame. They walked inside to find Jody hanging from the roof, throat slit and dripping. Dean turned around to look at Sam and Willow, but they were gone. He turned back around to find them hanging next to Jody, throats slit and dripping. Dean fell to his knees but landed in a pool of blood. He started to drown in the blood, swimming up for air, but the blood was never-ending, no end, it just kept growing and growing and growing. Dean suffocated in the blood and fell to the bottom, all the blood disappearing, to leave nothing but cold, dry bodies, Dean being piled on the top of the pile.

Dean woke up, sweating, huffing and puffing, it wasn't the first dream he had. He looked around to find Sam and Willow still asleep on their beds, he felt relived they didn't see him like that. He got out of bed and went for a shower, he wanted to wash the invisible blood off that he could still feel drowning him. He got in the shower and felt the warm water wash away the feeling, making him feel a lot better. He got out the shower and walked out into the main room, to find Willow and Sam still asleep. He tied up his shoes and smiled, even though he wanted to frown. He walked over to the window and pushed the curtains open, allowing the hot shining sun to seep through the window and wake them both up. He turned around and watched as his brother and daughter moaned at the sign of waking up.

" Rise and shine sleeping beauty's, we have a prince to kiss," Dean stated, referring to the ghost case.

Willow sat up in bed and so did Sam, both rubbing their eyes. Sam turned around and looked at the alarm clock.

" Five thirty!!" Sam yelled. And both him and Willow flopped themselves backwards on the bed, not wanting to get up.

" Come on lazy bones, early bird catches the early worm," Dean quoted, trying to get them out of bed.

" Well then the early worms can go die for all I care," Willow stated.

" Agreed," Sam responded, " And close the curtains." Sam threw a pillow over his head, trying to block out the light.

Dean had decided to turn to bribing to get them up, " Hey tiger, if you get up we can get some coffee and pie," Dean said in a persuasive voice.

Willow immediately threw her head up and jumped out of bed, " Pie, I'm up," she said, racing to her dufflebag to grab some clothes, then running in to the bathroom, to have a shower.

" Sammy I'll let you drive," Dean said.

" Nope, I'm not falling for your bribery," Sam replied.

" Thought so," Dean stated. Then walked over to one of their dufflebags and pulled out a horn, he went up to Sam and put it right at his ear, then pressed the button. A loud screeching sound went blasting out of the horn and into Sam's ear, causing him to jump out of bed, and throw himself against the wall. Dean stopped pressing the button and the sound stopped.

" Really Dean!!" Sam yelled, his ear still ringing from the sound. Dean just laughed. Willow then walked out the bathroom all dressed and ready.

" What was that sound?" Willow asked.

" Sam screaming," Dean joked, Sam gave him a killer death stare.

" Well it was horrible, and considering he's up now, can we go get some pie?" Willow asked. Dean just laughed a bit more.

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