Chapter 9: Watch Your Move

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Willow threw the dice on the table, after giving them a good shake, she had rolled a twelve. She picked up her top hat and moved it across the board twelve spaces, she landed on Mayfair.

" Your turn," Willow stated.

" Don't you want to buy it?" Sam asked, it was his turn.

" I already own it," Willow said, holding up her Mayfair card.

" Oh, okay then," Sam said, grabbing the dice. He shook them in his hands, then dropped them on the table, he rolled a three. He moved his dog three spaces and landed on free parking.

" Oh, you son of a bitch," Dean said, as Sam took all the money from the middle of the board.

" Hell yeah, five hundred and fifty dollars," Sam said counting his money.

Dean leaned over and grabbed the dice. He shook them as hard as he can, then threw them on the board, he rolled a six, doubles as well. Dean moved his car six spaces and landed on chance. Dean grabbed a chance card from the deck, " I hate you," was his words, directed to Sam. He threw the card on the table and moved his card to free parking. Sam and Willow looked at the card, it told him to advance to free parking. They both started laughing at the horrible turn of events. Dean then, death staring them both, took his next turn, he rolled a twelve. Dean moved his car twelve spaces, and threw his car into jail as he landed on the go to jail space, making Sam and Willow laugh even more.

" Wow Dean, you really have bad luck," Sam stated wiping the tears from his cheeks.

" Shut up!! Willow it's your turn," Dean yelled.

Willow grabbed the dice and rolled them, she got a ten. She moved her top hat ten spaces and landed on just visiting jail. Sam then grabbed the dice and rolled a six. He moved his dog six spaces and landed on a chest card. He took a chest card from the deck, and laughed as he put the card on the table, he had got the advance to Go card. Dean was about to strangle Sam as he moved his piece to Go and took his two hundred dollars.

" I hate this game, why are we even playing it?!" Dean said grumpily.

" To pass the time while we are waiting for Castiel to give us the all clear to leave," Sam stated.

" Why couldn't we play a different game other then Monopoly?!" Dean yelled.

" Come on dad, don't be a sore loser, the game might change and you end up winning, it is Monopoly," Willow said.

" What other games do we have," Dean asked.

" Charades or Pictionary," Sam answered.

" Ohh Pictionary sounds good let's play that," Dean stated, grabbing the Pictionary game, it was a big version, with a eisal as well.

" Fine but we have to pack up Monopoly first," Sam said.

" Fine with me," Dean said.

They all packed up the Monopoly board game and started to set up Pictionary. Dean set up the eisal and pad, Willow got out the cards and Sam got pencils.

" Okay, who's drawing first?" Dean asked.

" I will!!" Willow yelled, jumping up off the couch and standing next to the eisal.

Willow grabbed a card from the top of the deck, it said walking the dog on it. She placed the card face down on the table and started to draw, she first drew a stick person.

" A person!" Sam yelled, Willow shook her head.

" A stick person!" Dean yelled, Willow shook her head again.

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