Chapter 1 - Lets Get Ready

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Heya guys so welcome to part 2! *spins around on a spinning chair* I know you've been waiting for this? Eh IDK but welcome but I hope you like and enjoy my book and thanks for all the views and votes and awesome/funny comments and following me,
maybe? IDK but anyway guys I hope you enjoy this book and see you guys in the next part ^.^

Your POV and 3 years later

(BTW It's at night sorry forgot to add that in)

I looked down at the city from the tallest building with my crew. My Best Friends. Well some of them were here some at the biggest and the most money in a bank in the city "(Y/n) there are 8 guards near the door and 10 at the truck entrance I don't know what to do?" Panicked terroriser in the ear walkie talkie "umm well we're are looking around but we're not doing anything yet we're just seeing what we're going to do" I said back "ok well I'm sneaking around the back of it maybe I'll wi- great more guards" he groaned.

"shit how many?" I asked "maybe a few 15 or 14" he growled "shit, this is harder then I thought" I growled "Vanoss use your sniper to look in the roof, we might enter there" I said looking sharp at him.

"You got it boss" he said back "dude this is your crew as well" I said back, Vanoss and I are now the boss of the crew he thought that if me and him had a fake fight and see who wins gets to be the next boss.


"Ok it's time for the umm traditional boss ahhmm thing?" Said Vanoss "yeah yeah we all know that you're gonna get it AGAIN" snarled wildcat "uh huh suuurrree" said Vanoss sarcastically and rolled his eyes "wait what is this "boss" thing" I asked "weeelll it's a thing that we do, when the boss of this time has to "fake" fight against the other people but it's 1v1" he explained.

"huh, sounds easy because you're the boss and I'm stronger and better than you" I smirked while crossing my arms "huh going a bit cocky (*snorts* COCKy) huh?" He grinned and dos the exact same thing as me "heh yep" "well bring it" he said getting closer to my face "ok I will" I said back putting my forehead on his and grinned.

"Ok you two fighters" said wildcat parting us "Just crown me boss already" I smiled "and why's that?" He asked "because you're scared, I can see it in your eyes" I smirked "n-no I'm not" he said "BOO!" I shouted and he jumped back "HAHAHA!" I laughed and wildcat not long after me "S-SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He shouted "hahaha you shit your pants Vanoss" laughed wildcat now fell down on the ground not long me after.

"GUYS CAN YO-" walked in marcel to see us laughing and Vanoss blushing from embarrassment "what. the. fuck?" Chuckled marcel "HAHA!! Ask Vanoss HAHA!" Laughed wildcat "care to explain" he asked "I got scared from (Y/n)" he explained and he started laughing and ended up like us.

The next day in the flashback

"AAALLLLRRRRIIIGGGGHHHHTT!" Shouted Vanoss "alright everyone we are gonna be doing our boss thingy" he smiled "uh huh get ready to lose" I grin "dude you do want him t-" said terroriser until I cut him off by me putting my finger on his lips "shhhh I got this" I said looking at terroriser who is pretty much scared shitless.

"so we're using nerf guns and rubber swords and throwing knives, so I'm guessing (Y/n) will be using knifes and throwing knives" he smirked "how do you know I might use one handgun" I smiled back "You're not gonna beat me you're just weak" he laughed " we see about that" I said running at him and put my face close to his and looking deep in the eyes "I'll. Win. You. Lose" I said close at him "I don't think so"

Delirious POV in the flashback

"Umm? Wildcat? Care to explain?" Asked delirious while me and Vanoss slap each other "well they're having a competition, to see who is stronger I think" "right" "EV- VANOSS!! WHEN ARE WE GONNA DO THIS FUCKING THING?!!" Shouted Wildcat and they stopped "yeah, let's do this"

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