Chapter 10 - Trying To Get Terroriser

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I growl as me Vanoss and Delirious are back to back "What now genius?" Groaned Delirious "Its gonna be A-Okay?" Said Vanoss worried "A-Okay? Sure" I said while rolling my eyes "Kill them!" She shouted and all the clones started coming out of doors "Shit" said Delirious "Okay I'm gonna do this" I said and kisses delirious "I love you..." I said and started running to fight "By the way delirious....your face is read...." smirked Vanoss and runs.

I started running and got blocked by the clone which is delirious "Haha Hey Y/n" he smirked as he goes to punch me as I blocked "This isn't the delirious I know" I said with a growl kicking him in his stomach as he growls and looks over at delirious and runs at him smirking "Delirious! Watch out!" I shouted and his eyes widen and blocks him when he attacks and delirious "She's gonna go crazy dude" laughs the clone as delirious shakes his head "No she won't!" He shouts as he punches him as he dodge.

I look with wide eyes "What have I done?...Why have I done this?" I thought until I heard beeping and I rolled on the side seeing terroriser "Shit!" I yelled "Hello Y/n" he smirks as I growled and held my machete "C'mon I'm your best friend" he laughs as he shoots from his machine gun as I dodge "Fuck! What was the R0b0tz crew saying for help?" I asked and looked at the readers "Tell me oh wait I can't because this person here is writing" I laughed (Hey!) "Anyway let's remember it cause I'm sure that she'll look in her parts and find the words" I rolled my eyes smirking (True...) "Ha!" I laughed as I just thought "Wow that was a lot of wall breaks.." I said as I shrugged and looks for my gun.

When I was looking for my gun I get hit by terroriser and get flown to the wall in pain "Ahh!! Is that all come on!! Give me more pain!" I yelled laughing terroriser runs to me growling and picks me up and throws me to the flood kicking me I screamed and growled as my head was bleeding and I'm laughing "Oh now you really pissed me off!" I growled and runs to him laughing jumping in his back and seeing wires "Hahaha now which one?" I laughed and saw a white and a red wire "Well they always say the red wire" I shrugged and pulled the red one out as terroriser growls and falls on the ground making electric sounds.

"I think I might've..." I said gasping "T-Terroriser" I said on the ground crying slightly as I hear him groan "Terroriser booting up" said a female voice "V-Vanoss?" He asks as my eyes widen "Terroriser!" I yelled happily as he turned around "Y/n! You're okay!" He yelled happily as I hugged him smiling as he hugged back "GUYS! Maybe we can have a happy chappy ending afterwards?!" Yelled Vanoss "True" I said and went fighting.

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