Chapter 7 - What have you done?! (Short chapter)

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Vanoss POV

I look blankly at her and my blood boiled "What have you done?!" I shouted at her "made your worst nightmare..." she chuckled and terroriser comes from the ceiling holding delirious's mask and Wildcats mask looking at me smirking "Terroriser?..." I asked scared and Y/n got up groaning "Y/n?..." I asked and Terroriser helped her up "Hello dearie....ready to take over?" Asked terroriser at Y/n "I'll make Vanoss pay for what he did...." she said and holds a machete "Shit...." I said backing up.

They all smile at me with delirious starting to walk behind me with wildcat, mini, marcel, lui and nogla "Guys?... you're okay?" I asked and Luk shot a Bullet at me but it only scratch me "LUI?! What the fuck?!" "WHAT DID I SAY?! DON'T HURT HIM!!" They all nod and grabbed me I struggled and pulled and I got out of their grip but terroriser being the robot he his go hold of me.

"GET OFF!!" I shouted and looked at the female person and she chuckled "Take him to the rest!" They nod and took me.

I struggled and pulled and moved but I couldn't get out of his grip and threw me to the cages with her chuckling and looking at me "you're a feisty one aren't you?" She chuckled and walked away taking my mask "see you around" she said and slammed the door.

I just started breathing heavily and grind my teeth and banged my hand on the cage bar "FUCK YOU!! FUCK YOU FOR RUINING MY FRIENDS!!" I shouted "Vanoss?" I heard a voice a heard of I turned around "Delirious?" I asked.

Heya guys so I'm just gonna ask a question would you like to ask me questions for a Q and A for a page ask me questions you like to ask of something?...if you do just comment or ask me in private questions or something I don't know but anyway guys

-Rhiisgreen 💚

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