Chapter 3 - R0b0tZ Crew

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Heya guys so welcome back happy you're here ready my awesome book (NO ITS NOT!!) yeah I know it's terrible XD but if you're liking the story so far tell me that would be so cool but anyway guys let's continue.

Vanoss POV

"Where is he?" I wondered "VANOSS!" He shouted "thank god where is Y/n?" I asked getting out the chair "SHE'S NOT THERE!!" Shouted delirious shaking "what do you mean she's not there?" I asked  "she's not at the police station" he said "FUCK!" he shouted and threw a vase at a wall.

Delirious was either angry or sad "what are we gonna do?" I asked "we gotta find her" he said in anger "how?" "Have you seen this smoke bomb before?" "Yes I have" "who the fuck is it?" "It's the R0b0tz crew, they must've kidnapped her" "SHIT FUCK!!" He shouted "well lets go I know where they are"

Your POV

I woke up in a room that was cold and dark well whenever I opened them I couldn't see I was blindfolded and I had a rope in my mouth "hahahah I know right" I heard behind the door "yeah pixey she can be hard but she so hot "haha true"

I tried to move but I was tied up I was starting to get scared then the door opened "oh looky here, she finally awake" said a guard and pulled off my blindfold "MMMFFFUUU!!!" I shouted "but she can be loud" said the other guard I just growled at that comment "hmm should we make her our fuck pet?" Asked guard 1 "hmm should we..." said guard 2 "she is kinda hot tied up and gagged pretty much"

I tried moving and struggling "aww does someone don't like that idea" laughed guard 1 I wanted to cry badly but I didn't I want to show them I'm not scared and weak "yeah let's" said guard 2 and they came running at me and one guard went behind me and kissed my neck and the other started groping my boobs.

"ENOUGH!!" Shouted someone "b-boss we weren't doing anything to her" said guard 2 "SHUT UP!" Shouted the other guard and hit him "WHAT DID I SAY?! IF SHE'S AWAKE BRING HER TO ME! AND YOU BROKE THE RULES!!" He shouted "we're sorry" they both said at the same time "WELL SORRY ISN'T ENOUGH!! 69 WHIPS ON THE BACK!! GO!!!!" He shouted "boss no please we're sorry"

"GO NOW OR IT WILL BE DOUBLE!" "Okay okay we're going" they said and walked out of the room "...I'm sorry that they did that to you" sighed the boss taking the rope out of my mouth "w-who are you?" I asked out of breath "I'm Zero, and you're in The R0b0tz crew building" he smiled while untying me "why are you being so nice? I thought you sent someone to kill me?" I asked very confused.

"Me wanting to kill you? Now that's funny" he chuckled taking off my ropes on my neck and legs "yeah, this guy at a bank said he was from the crew and his name is Adam Clek and he had like black ha-" "and green eyes and fairly a tall man" he said finishing my sentence "yeah" "he was a traitor he didn't like me or this crew" he sighed "then why was he here?" I asked "I was his brother...I really didn't like him too" he said back and he put my arm around his neck.

"Thanks" I said "so a little birdie told me that you're in the Vanoss crew well aka Night Owl crew" he chuckled and walked me out and I looked around a bit it was very....nerdy....a lot of anime stuff and. Gamey stuff it was pretty cool "your name isn't Zero isn't it" I whispered "heheh you're a smart girl" he chuckled, I looked at Zero more he did have jet black hair with a blue strip and green one and he also had blue eyes and he was muscly and tall.

"hello?" He asked waving his hand in front of my eyes "o-oh sorry" I blushed "hehe you are a crazy and funny chic" he laughed I just blushed "look, we'll talk more but you need to get back, if you need us to hack anything just say "Bam Bam Glitch" okay? That's b bit weird" "shut up it's a think I thought I needed to sound smart" he blushed annoyed "haha well see you" I smile "yeah see ya" he waved and walked away.

"U-I'm how do I get out of here?" I asked "o oh yeah follow me" he laughed I laughed back and followed him.

Vanoss POV

"We arrived" I said stopping the car "this is the place? This is where the nerds are" groaned Wildcat "The "Nerds" are hackers and they kidnapped Y/n" said Delirious "we should leave your "Crazy" girlfriend in there and let her kill them all" grinned wildcat.

I slapped the back of his head "OWW! YOU DICK!" He shouted holding the back of his head "can you shut up, anyway we're just gonna go in right?" I said "yeah and kill some shit" said wildcat "well cue the epic music"

Time skip to when they enter the door (and also play the song to make know "epic"

"Yeah she can be annoying sometimes" laughed a guy "I know with her weird crazy stuff" laughed the other guy "HEY! LETS SEE WHO THE MOST ANNOYING PERSON!" We shouted and started shooting and they started shooting back "Why did you shout at them we could been sneaky?" Asked wildcat in anger "well you now me I'm never quiet" I laughed " that's true" sighed wildcat.

Your POV and your in a elevator

*Gunshots* "What the fuck?!" Yelled Zero "BOSS!" Yelled a guy on his Bluetooth earphone "What is happening?" He asked "THERES A SHOOTOUT A CREW I THINK!" Then my heart just started beating faster "I'm coming up now" before he could press the to go up I stopped him.

"What are you doing?" He asked "o-oh you know just standing here" I said "jeez move and he went around me but I pushed him against the wall "w-what? Are you doing?" He blushed 'come on Y/n think' I thought then I kissed him 'great job Y/n!' I thought and he started kissing back then the doors opened "YOU DI-" shouted someone.

"Y/N?!" Shouted someone then I thought in my head 'shit it's Vanoss' I pulled away then I turned around and delirious was right in front of me "d-delirious?! It's not what you think" I said scared "ITS EXACTLY WHAT I THINK!!" He shouted at me "n-no I swear" "YOUR A FUCKING CRAZY!!! CHEATING!!! GIRLFRIEND!!!" He yelled starting to have tears now "D-delirious I-" "DON'T YOU TALK TO ME!" He shouted and ran out the door.

"N-No" I said looking at the ground "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Shouted wildcat "I-I-" "I-I-I DON'T FUCKING CARE!!" He shouted and held me up by grabbing my throats and lifting me up from the air "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" He shouted at me "I-" I said out of breath "DUDE ITS NOT HER FAULT!! IT WAS MINE!!" Shouted Zero "What?" Said wildcat "it's mine because...... she was right there and I kinda like her and I thought she would be fine to be kissed" he said looking down.

Wildcat threw me on the ground "and why should I believe you?" Asked wildcat, I quickly tried to get up but Vanoss held me down "b-because I'm a nerd and she has a boyfriend, why would you think she would kiss me! I bet she just like me as a friend! Right?" He asked, wildcat just turned his head to me and Zero just nod "Y-Yeah, I love delirious" I said "fine! You're lucky" said wildcat.

"I need to talk to delirious" I said then Vanoss stopped me "Y/n let him have a minute or two" he said "Why should I" I asked "because he just saw you kissing another guy aannnddd he think you're cheating" he said ".....Fine..." I groaned/sighed.

Delirious POV

'Why?! I loved her and she starts just cheating on me like that' I thought in my head while I cry "FUCK!!! YOU!!!" I yelled at the building and threw rocks at it "oh hey I have an idea" I grinned and got C4's out of my pocket "I will BURN THIS BUILDING DOWN TO THE GROUND!!" I shouted/laughed.

I ran up to the wall and put C4's everywhere and pour gasoline near the door and inside I laughed crazily when I did everything, I was finally done and moved back "boom, boom motherfuckers" I laughed.

Heya sorry for late updates 😅 but hoping you're liking the story so far but anyway guys...


-Rhiisgreen 💚

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