Chapter 5 - The Kidnap

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???? POV

"TAKE THEM TO THE ROOM!!" I shouted "yes ma'am" they said and pulled them "WE WILL GET OUT OF HERE!!" Shouted The pig they call wildcat "Oh wildcat....stop thinking Tyler" I said then whispered "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He shouted and tried to get up but I kicked him down.

"DON'T YOU DARE GET UP" I shouted "and why should we listen to you?" Asked the robot "well terroriser.......I'm stronger than you and Y/n and don't you think you should shut up for a while? Brian?" I asked then whispered "WHAT?!" "TAKE THEM NOW!!" I shouted and walked with them "now let's have my fun" I smirked.

Your POV

I woke up with a pounding headache "w-what happened?" I asked myself and looked around and I was in like a tent kinda thing "shhh please, rest" said someone I looked around and saw the mask person "who are you?" I asked "now, that's for me to know and you to find out" "well can you tell me what gender you are?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"W-what?" " it can be easier to know" I sighed "oh well I'm male" he smiled "of course" I huffed "Just tell me your name?!" I yelled "very name is Calson....." he sighed "Calson? Huh you sound familiar?" I asked "well I'm not, I new in city but you're very......mysterious" he said looking at me.

I was very confused "how am I mysterious?" I asked he got up and walked to me with a knife and a bowl "wh-what are you doing?" I asked and then he sat in front of me "pass me your hand" he said "what?" "Pass." He said and I put my hand out "this will hurt a second" he said soothingly.

He got his knife and put it on my hand and cat it "OW!!" I screamed "shhh....." and he put my hand upside down on the bowl and my blood dripped in the bowl "what are you doing to me?" I asked "I'm seeing if your future will be safe and if you'll see delirious again" I smiled "how do you know about that?" I asked shocked.

He just laughed "heh you have been stalked by someone" "YOU?!" "Hehehe no....someone else" "who?" "A female, tall brown eyes and fairly tanned" he said while taking my hand out and putting a bandage on it "thanks" I said.

He smiled and got up and went to his pots "by the way can I know where I am? please?" I asked "hmm well you're in a alleyway in a tent like thing" he said sarcastically "....I knew I shouldn't of asked" I huffed "hehehe, you're funny" he chuckles "thanks" I said crossing my arms.

Vanoss POV

I was been thrown in this prison like room but it was just concrete and it had a bed "Haha have fun Vanoss" she laughed and took off my blindfold and my tied up hands "fuck you" I said "no thanks but your friend terroriser is very strange......I think we have some research on him" she smirked.

Then my eyes widen "NO!!" I shouted and ran at her but she slammed the door closed and I hit the metal bars and I fell back on the ground "hahaha I'm gonna have so much with you!" She laughed and walked away.

"H-heh trying to save terroriser?" I turned around "delirious?!"

Your POV

I was sitting at his table like thing and he was gonna see my future "Okay Y/n I see 5-6 males one clown, one owl, one pig, one robot, one business man and one monkey" he said "that's my friends!" "And they're held captive" he said "and the clown is very bloody and weak, and the rest are okay but soon they're not, the robot is getting research though"

Then my eyes widen "No! Tell me where they are!" I yelled "you don't go to them.....they get you...." he said then "GET ON THE GROUND!!" Shouted a solider "what? YOU LIED TO ME!!" I shouted "well you should've's not my fault" he chuckled then I got hit by a gun in the back of my head "I-I-I w-won't........f-f-forget......this" I said and blacked out.

Mini Ladd POV

I sat in my cell on my bed just bored outta my mind "FOOD TIME!!" Shouted the guards I looked up "what is it this time?" "Like always" "bread and water" he said and put a tray out "thanks" I said and walked it "have fun oh and I heard you have a new friend" he chuckled "really? Who?" I asked "you'll see" he laughed and walked away.

"Heh wonder who this time" then it hit me......
"Y/n?" I asked myself "DEAD PERSON COMING THROUGH!!" Shouted a guard "GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME!!" Shouted a familiar voice "no..." said everyone, everyone was gasping and banging on the bars "YOU SHUT UP!!" He shouted.

He walked up to me and he was holding Y/n by the throat "have fun with your new friend" he chuckled and threw her in here "Fuck. You" I said in anger to him "hehehe don't get angry at me business man" he laughed and walked away.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" I asked and ran to her "I'm....I'm okay" she said coughing and gasping for air "well that's good" I sighed in happiness, "I'm sorry..." she said "what?..." I asked "I'm sorry....this is all my fault" she said sadly "No! Don't think like that" I said.

Your POV

"Mini....I'm sorry I-" "AHHHHH!!" Screamed someone "who was that?" I asked "that TERRORISER!!" Shouted mini "he's not being researched, HE'S GETTING TORTURED!!" Shouted mini "No! I'm not letting him have that same feeling like me!!" I yelled "NOOO!! AHHH!!" Screamed terroriser.

I ran at the bars and I held them "COME ON!!" I shouted "WHAT ARE YO-" shouted the guard and I got hold of him by the throat "LET. ME. OUT! OR I SQUISH YOUR THROAT TOGETHER!!" I screamed at him and he unlocked the door and I got the keys and threw him in there "thank you" I laughed and slammed the door closed.

And I ran at the guys "Y/n!" Smiled everyone and I smiled back and unlocked the door "god it's good to see you again" smiled Vanoss and I got punched by wildcat "OWW!! WHAT THE FUCK?" I shouted "that's for pushing me" and I got hugged "and that's for saving me....thank you" he smiled.

"Hey Y/n" said delirious "hey...." I said "anyway we'll see you in the room to get our stuff" they all said and walked away ".....I um I'm sorry" I said rubbing my arm "hey..." he said and held my arm "it's my fault......I shouldn't of blamed you" he said "Vanoss told me it was Zero not you....I am a fucking dick" he said " least you're okay and you're not hating me" I smiled "why would I hate you....I love you and well I did explode the building" he chuckled and rubbing his neck.

"Wait you're the one who explode the building!?" I yelled "yeah..." he smiled "YOU COULD OF KILLED ME!!....but that was cool" I shouted "heh........thanks?" He asked "I missed you, you fucking idiot" I laughed and hugged him "me too" he smiled and squeezed me.

Terroriser POV

"TELL ME!!" She shouted and she put heavy mounds of electricity me "AHHH!!" I screamed "I'M FOCKING NOT TELLING YOU ANYTHING!!" I yelled "well it's your choice, PULL THE SWITCH!!" I shouted and he pulled the switch "AHHH!!" I screamed "YES!" She laughed and it ended.

"Terroriser?" She asked "Terroriser online, Kill the Vanoss crew" I said "YES! IT WORKED!!" She shouted "how about don't kill kidnap and clone?" She asked "very well" "great" she chuckled evilly.

Your POV

I got all my stuff, to throwing knifes, my machete and my handgun "don't worry terroriser......I'm coming......." I said as I reloaded my gun and put it in my gun holder and putting my throwing knives on my knife holder on my leg "we're all coming for him" said mini, I smiled and walked out and held my machete.

Heya guys so sorry for that late update....just you know thinking.....I actually think I'm going crazy........I'm hearing people voices in my head.......if you know why please tell me in the comments or Private Chat but anyway guys...


-Rhiisgreen 💚

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