Chapter 11 - The gang is all back together.

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Sorry guys this might be short ^.^

We started to kill enemies until there were too many "Guys..." Said Vanoss "Yeah, I think this is a goodbye" said Delirious holding my hand as I looked at him sadly "I-It couldn't" I said sadly as terroriser puts his hand on my shoulder "It is.." he said before hearing gunshots and people dying before wildcat, Marcel, Mini ladd, Lui and Nogla with the R0b0tz crew "Hey guys!" They yelled as they threw us our guns "Thanks!" Yelled Vanoss before I giggle and started to move my machete side to side "Let's kill these dicks" I said smirking as delirious fist pumped me "Hell yeah!" He said.

We all reloaded our weapons and smirked as I start to slice people's heads off as Delirious does the same laughing, Vanoss shoots people at the middle of their heads, Everyone was shooting and laughing as The other crew started to explode things as I giggle "The crew is back together" I said quietly before starting to kill them.

Heya guys! Missed you all sorry I haven't been updating been a crazy life anywho I'm gonna leave now anyway guys..


-Rhiisgreen 💚

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