Chapter 6 - Y/N!

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We ran to the place where all the guards are because of us and terroriser "Cue the Epic music" I said to Vanoss "Haha you're funny" (music plays) "nice..." I said quietly and I quickly throw my throwing knives at two lonely guards "nice aiming" said mini "yeah been training aiming I guess now next off.......gore station" I grinned and ran at the three guards and tapped on on the shoulder.

"Huh? He-" he said but got cut off by me grabbing his throats and squeezing it until I burst and blood went all over me "who's next?" I said innocently at them "u-um" they said at the same time pretty much hugging their guns "no one? Well choices" I said and grabbed both of their throats "hmm whoever makes the most gore wins" I smiled and burst their throats and the left guard made the most.

"Huh looks like you win" I chuckled and dropped their dead body's on the ground "let's go!" I said to them "God I'm happy she's on our side" said wildcat "yeah I know" said Vanoss.

We started running until I heard a familiar laugh "Hahaha let's play!" Shouted the voice I looked around and saw brother Ethan "Ethan?" I said to myself and went to the room that he was in "Y/n?" Asked Vanoss "Ethan?" I asked "Sis?" he said shocked "Ethan? How are you here?" I said shocked "Y/n? Don't go in that room" said Vanoss but I couldn't hear him "Ethan?" I said walking closer to him "Y/n" said Vanoss "Y/n!"shouted Ethan and I ran to him.

I ran up to him and smiled "How?" I asked "Y/N!" Shouted Vanoss and I hugged him but I only hugged myself and I got caged up "HAHAHA! YES!!" Shouted the female voice who kidnapped Vanoss "AHH!!" I said screamed hearing high pitch voices "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Shouted Vanoss "she's special you know.... and she's not gonna be on your side no more...she'll kill you" she laughed.

"AHH STOP!!" Screams Y/n in pain "Y/n down listen to it! Listen to my voice" I screamed one more time and fell to the ground "HAHAHA YES IT WORKED!!" "No Y/n..."

Heya Guys I'm so sorry I haven't been updating haven't had service and my wifi has been crap! Anyway guys STAY *voice crack* sorry let me try that again STAY AWESOME GUYS AND STAY GREEN!

-Rhiisgreen 💚

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