Chapter 13 - A Favourite...

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Last time....

"Uh guys we need to jump out of the jet of we need to get away" said mini as I smirked "Les do it!" I said before Vanoss saying shocked "Are you crazy?!" He yelled as I smirked "Oh hell yeah I am" I said as he sighed and looked down "Well there is a river below us..." said mini "let's go down!" I yelled before shooting out of my jet and looked down ready to dive "Y/n!!" They worriedly yelled.

This time

I jumped out and started to do a swan dive and I landed "Can you see her?!" Asked Mini "I can't!" Said Vanoss "Well! Let's go after her!" Yelled Terroriser and jumped out and Vanoss groans and jumped out as well the everyone started to jump out letting the jets explode in the mountains "They've looks clear" said One of the soldiers and flew away and everyone got to the surface except for me "Y/n?!" Called delirious "Where are you?!" He yelled and started to run to the river but Vanoss grabs him and pulls him back.

"What are you doing?!" Yelled delirious and he runs more pushing Vanoss away and I got to the surface but got pushed to the large water fall "Delirious!!" I yelled out and tried to swim "Y/n!" He called out and started to run after me "Come on!" Yelled Vanoss and they started to follow him.

I started to try and swim but nothing was working I looked around to look for them "D-Delirious!" I said before going underwater.

Delirious POV

"Y/n! I'll save you!" I yelled worried running to her and I get to the edge of the waterfall and grabbed her hand looking down at her "Delirious! You saved me!" She said happily "Whatever you do do not look down" I said and she looked down squealing "I'm afraid of heights!" She yells and her hand started to slip "Y/n!" I yelled and she slipped but I got her from her other hand and she looks at me smiling "I love you" she said and let go of my arm falling "Y/N!!" I yelled trying to grab her but she just falls and she looks at me smiling while she goes down in the waterfall fog and all I heard was a bad splash as I started to tear up "Y/N!!" I yelled again crying then I look in my hand and it's one of her custom throwing daggers as I sat up and screamed crying.

Vanoss POV

I caught up with Delirious and saw him....Crying?...Oh no...Y/n "Delirious! Where's Y/n?" I asked as I approached him slowly "S-She's gone..." he said crying as I saw her custom dagger "Y/n..." I said sadly and fell to my knees and looked down tearing up as well "Heh...its...a dead you are when you lose....a friend..." said Mini "A group.." said Lui "A favourite..." I said "A Family.." said Delirious then I looked at him "What do you mean?" I asked "I was gonna live the rest of my life with it's gone.." he said sadly as I looked down sadly and we all took our mask off and put them on the cliff "We' as normal people....our normal names....our normal face....for Y/n" I said as everyone did the same and nod "Promise"

-Rhiisgreen 💚

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