Chapter 4 - Boom Boom

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Delirious POV

"Boom, Boom motherfuckers" I laughed and pressed the button and caboom the building started blowing up "HAHAHA!! THATS WHAT YOU GET OF STEALING MY GIRL!!" I shouted "no one ever takes her" I said and my terrifying smile turns bigger "only me, I can take her" I laughed crazily.

Your POV

BOOM! "What the fuck was that?" Asked wildcat and the floor underneath us started crumbling "WILDCAT!! WATCH OUT!!" I shouted and tackled him over.

One minute later

I woke up and I started coughing and coughing and gasping for air "you-you okay?" I coughed "yeah I'm fine" he coughed "what the hell?" I said and got up "hey Y/n" he said "what?" I asked "thanks...thanks for saving me" he said "no worry's" I said back "it's dark" I said "oh yeah I know" he said sarcastically "shut it" I said and pulled a flashlight.

I looked around for a exit "where's Vanoss?" He asked "I don't know? Maybe he got out" I said "maybe" he said "anyway let's find a way out" I said and started walking.

"Do you know who might of done this?" He asked "no idea" I said then I saw light "look there" I said pointing to it and started running to it "it's a way out!" I said and started going in but the rock above me started moving " can only take one person" I said looking at him slowly.

"No, I know what you're thinking" he said "You go!" I said "No, you're not gonna get out" he said holding your shoulders "tell delirious I love him" I cried and pushed him though the hole.

"Y/N!!" He shouted and the hole got covered "I love you delirious" I cried and fell to the ground.

Wildcat POV

And she pushed me through the hole "Y/N!!" I shouted and the hole got got covered, I got up and ran to the now covered hole and started banging it "Y/N!!!! I'LL GET YOU OUT!!! I PROMISE!!" I shouted, I started kicking and hitting it as hard as I can, then I found a pole and started hitting the wall.

I hit it so hard that it made a dint but nothing else, then I got angry and threw the pole at the wall and fell to the ground starting to cry "Y/N!! I'M SO SORRY" I cried.

"Wildcat?!! Wildcat? What's wrong?" Asked Vanoss "VANOSS!!" I shouted and hugged him "dude I know it's been long but why are you screaming? Where's Y/n?" He asked "IN. THERE!!" I shouted and pointed at the wall "n-no... is she crushed or" "no it had a big space in it and there was this hole that one person could go through....she pushed me through....." "she saved your life" he smiled "I know..." I sighed.

"TERRORISER!!" Yelled Vanoss "What?" He asked "changing time" "heh okay" he chuckled and turned half robot half human "take down that wall" "fine...I'm only doing this for Y/n" he said and took out a big rock and the wall started moving.

Your POV

I just cried until I threw up I can't believe I pretty much killed myself, I looked up and saw a tiny hole "Wha?" I said and got up and walked to it and looked through "I'm only doing this for Y/n" said...."TERRORISER!?" I shouted and the wall started moving, "yes, kee-" and a rock fell on my head I looked up and saw the ceiling cracking "No. NO!!" In shouted.

"GUYS!!!"I shouted and terroriser kept on taking them out "GUYS!" I cried "Y/n?" Asked wildcat "GUYS!!" I cried happily knowing they heard me "Y/N!! We're getting you outta here" said wildcat "NO STOP!!" I shouted "what?" "You're gonna kill me the ceiling is cracking" I said.

"Wait how can we hear you?" "There's a little hole that I can talk through" I said "well we need to get you out" said Vanoss "why? Delirious hates me now" I said sad "Delirious NEEDS You he's been crazy and you can help him!" Yelled Vanoss "He loves you" he said, I looked around for an exit.

I walked around a bit then I found a exit "OKAY WE'RE GONNA PULL THE LAST ROCK OUT OKAY?!" Shouted wildcat and I ran at the exit and the rock was pulled and the ceiling started falling down and I sprinted at the hole and jump up through and the ground started moving so I did some parkour shit.

Vanoss POV

"SHIT! EVERYONE RUN!!" Shouted wildcat and we started running away, we jumped out the door just in time but not Y/n "FUCK!!!" shouted terroriser "NOW FUCKING WHAT?! SHE'S DEAD AND SHE WAS THE STRONGEST IN THE CREW!!" He shouted and punched the rocked up wall "she's fucking gone........she was the best" said wildcat about to cry "dude I know but she might of found an way out"

I looked down started to tear up "what has delirious done?" I said wiping my tears "Look guys it's just gone and we're okay" chuckled a female voice.

Your POV

"AHHH!!" I shouted and jumped on the roof and got out of the tumbling rocks "that.....was.....FUN!!" I shouted and said out of breath "HEY!! LET US GO!" Shouted someone I looked down at the road "Guys!" I said but there was more than three there was four "YOU BITCH!! GET OFF!!" Shouted terroriser and he go thrown in a black van with wildcat and Vanoss "NO!!" I shouted and the van drove off.

I got angry and jumped off the building and on the road with a superhero landing "nice is deadpool gonna be proud of me!" I asked myself "meh probably" and I ran after the van.

???? POV

I drove off in the van with the idiots "hey boss there's someone coming after us" said the driver "we'll GO FASTER!!" I shouted and he got faster "UNBLIND US!!" Shouted the owl looking dude "Now Mr Night Owl you shit YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!!" I shouted and kicked him in the face.

Then I picked his fragile face up by his hair "I know who you are Vanoss" I chuckled and I whispered in his ear "Evan.." I whispered "What? HOW DO YOU KNOW ME?!" He shouted and started to struggle in the ties up ropes "now that's a thing I need to know and you don't" I said and threw him on the floor.

Your POV

I started running faster and faster then I started getting out of breath "n-no..." I said and fell on the road in pain "NO!!" I cried and fell back and the last thing I saw was a black mask with green out lines "d-delirious..." I said and passed out.

Heya guys sorry for the late update 😅 but hoping you're liking the story so far but anyway guys


-Rhiisgreen 💚

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