Chapter 12 - We're almost done

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We started to run out to the exit as Terroriser get held by his leg and he trips over as some guys cover him as I turned around "Terroriser!" I said as I threw knifes at the men "No go without me!" He said looking at me as he started to kick people off "No I can't!" I said looking at him before Delirious wrapping his arms around me pulling me "No! Stop we can't leave him!" I yelled before Delirious looking at me "There's no point!" He said before I looked at him "If it was me you wouldn't leave" I said pushing him away from me and started to run to terroriser.

Delirious looked at me run as I kicked people off as well killing them with my machete before I started to pull him with me "We kill together, we die together" I said looking at terroriser as he smiles slightly "Thank you Y/n" he said before running with me and the group.

As soon we were out there were helicopters and tanks everywhere "Uhh...guys" said basically "What do we d-" said Vanoss before I smirked "Vanoss, Delirious, Terroriser, Wildcat and me take Jets the rest take tanks! Go!" I yelled as I started to run to the jet as they followed as the rest go to the tanks as I hopped in one as I smirked and started it up "Let's do this" I said before going forward and the soldiers said on their radios "10-4 I repeat 10-4! Get everything you've got!" Yelled a soldier as I smirked and flew up and started to shoot at the soldiers as Wildcat laughed loudly and started to shoot rockets "Hell yeah!" He said loudly as I laughed as well shooting rockets as well.

I continue to laugh shooting more rockets and doing flips and barrel rolls "Let's go!" I yelled before flying away from the base looking back at the group following me and they said "Your the boss!" Before flying to the hills "Perfect cause we'll be dodging shit" I said before flying under train bridges.

"Uh guys we need to jump out of the jet of we need to get away" said mini as I smirked "Les do it!" I said before Vanoss saying shocked "Are you crazy?!" He yelled as I smirked "Oh hell yeah I am" I said as he sighed and looked down "Well there is a river below us..." said mini "let's go down!" I yelled before shooting out of my jet and looked down ready to dive "Y/n!!" They worriedly yelled.

To be continued....

Rhiisgreen 💚

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