Chapter 9 - The Arena Fight

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Your POV

I laugh crazily and loudly as I bash on the cage they put me in "LET ME KILL!!" I laugh loudly and I run around as I see Vanoss walk past and I run to the cage laughing crazily "Vaaannnnosss!~ You're dead~" I laugh loudly "Y-Y/n?..." asked Delirious "The famous crazy Delirious...whoopdie do.." I giggle "Y/n it's me love me..." he said "I DON'T LOVE YOU" laughs loudly and bangs the cage as they are getting pulled to the other side.

Delirious POV

"Hey man don't believe her...she's just different we'll get her back..." said Vanoss smiling at me "Hopefully...I just want the real Y/n back.." I sighed and Vanoss puts his hands on my shoulders and he looked at me "Delirious. That is the real Y/n. You just need her to be A-Okay" He smiles, I smile back "Thanks Vanoss" I smiled and Vanoss looked out "Well...her we go...." he huffed out "We need her back, I need her back.."

Your POV

I scream loudly and laugh "Let me kill! I want blood!" I laugh loudly "Today we have two contestants, Vanoss and Delirious!" And they got pushed out of their cages "Delirious..." I said quietly and a tear drops down my cheek "Y/n?" He said looking at me and I put my arm out of the cage "I'm sorry!" I cried loudly and started laughing "She will never love you!" I laugh and bang the cage.

"And the beast, Y/N!" And my gate open and I ran out as I have a chain around my neck and I run to Vanoss but I was inches away from hitting him "Y/n calm down this isn't you" said Delirious holding my cheek "Let me go!" I shout and he just smiles "I love you Y/n, and I always will.." he sighed as he pulls me close "D-Delirious?.." I cried "Yes it's me..." he smiles.

"Delirious I-" "NO!" Shouted RJ and Delirious kisses me blushing and I kiss back crying 'Why me? I did this to everyone, and they forgive me?' I thought and he pull away "Delirious...I-I'm sorry.." I cried and he smiled "At least you're back" he smiles and and gun shoots between us "I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU! CLONES KILL!!" She shouted and all of them fell down "Guys...stay close..." I growl
As I held my machete close to me "You're dead.." laughs clone Delirious.

Growls and runs at Lui clone and cut his leg and electrical zaps were heard "They're robots..." I said and cut off his leg "Just kill them, they're not real people they're robots!" I shouted as me goes to nogla and Delirious goes to Marcel and Vanoss to wildcat, Wildcat smirked and starts to attack Vanoss and Vanoss cuts his arm.

I felt vibrations behind me and turned around "Terroriser.." I say in my breath "Haha! Kill and destroy!" He laugh

Heya! Sick Rhi here but hope you guys are okay and did you hear?...MINI HAD A ACCIDENT! Ahhh!! But anyway guys sorry for late updates but anyway guys


-Rhiisgreen 💚

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