Chapter 8 - The chat

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I started screaming "GET OUTTA MY HEAD!!" I scream and held my head "I'm never getting out" the voice laughed I scream and fall to the ground "STOP!" it laugh loudly "I'm gonna stay in your head until she tells me to get out" I screamed loudly crying "Pl-Please someone help me"

Vanoss POV

"Delirious?" I asked shocked "Hey Vanoss....where's Y/n?" He asked "She's kin-" "She's gone crazy like always I bet you!" Yelled Wildcat "Wildcat?" I asked shocked "We're all here..." sighed Lui "Mhmm..." nodded Marcel "well except Terroriser..." said Nogla "What happened to Y/n?!" Asked Mini kinda scared "S-She has something or someone in her head...she's trying to kill me because of what happened to her brother Ethan...." I looked down.

Delirious just hugged me looking down "Delirious?!" I asked shocked "We'll get her back.. we'll get them back" he said angrily "Yeah!" Everyone cheered and I smiled and nod "We'll get her back.." I smiled "Yeah but were all in a FUCKING dungeon!" Yelled Mini "True..." sighed Wildcat I just sighed and sat on the ground "We're all gonna die..." I sighed and looked at the ground.

Your POV

I screamed and she came in running "Shhh.....Y/n calm down relax just let her talk with you..." she said calmly "do you want me to get your brother?" She asked "My brother is dead!" I shouted "From Vanoss.." said the voice I cried and held my legs "WHY DID HE DO THAT!" I screamed "He did it because it was his job...he did it to kill...he didn't care if anyone liked him" she said "Who the hell even are you?" I asked looking at her "I'm RJ1 I'm a robot..but just call me RJ.." she smiled "Then how can you bleed?" I asked.

She chuckle "simple..the creators made it to look like I'm a human..." she smiled I looked at her she had a nice smile and she was calm and nice to me "RJ...Why can't I kill Vanoss?" I chuckle darkly as I'm starting to get crazy "You want to have a competition? Let's see who wins?" She smiled "With who?" I asked "Delirious and Vanoss" she grinned.

"I would love to..."

Vanoss POV

I started running to the cage and hitting myself on it trying to push it off "Vanoss! You can't brake it! It's metal!" Groaned Wildcat "Only if I had the magic tomato..." I said to myself "THAT TOMATO ISN'T REAL!" He shouted groaning "Guuuuys!~" chuckles that girl "YOU BITCH! WHERE'S Y/N?!" Shouted Delirious running to the bars she just chuckled and looked at us "She's fine~ she's just playing with her new friend.." she laugh slightly "And who's that?" Asked Mini walking next to delirious.

"Who do you think?" She smirked "Terroriser!" Growled Lui running to her but got stopped by Marcel and Nogla "Ooo~ you don't want them to play?" And she clicked her fingers "Get the clown and the owl...we'll be having fun with them too.." she smiled as two big muscled guys came in and picked me and delirious up while Mini wildcat nogla Lui and Marcel went punching them but got pushed away from another one "EVAN!" Shouted Wildcat.

He quickly covered his mouth "Evan?" Asked Mini looking at wildcat and she chuckles and walks away "I think there's gonna be a cage fight~" she sang to a guy and he nod while smirking and walking to a room while getting gassed by one "Tyler..." I said under my breath before passing out.

Heya guys sorry for the late updates but I have been sick and on holidays and school things but I've been updating and writing so don't worry and I'm kinda making music so yeah and I'm trying to make a YouTube channel so it's been busy so I'm really sorry but anyway guys..


-Rhiisgreen 💚

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