Daryl from The Walking Dead

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(Time set in the prison)

I stood in the main part of the cellblock holding Judith closely to my chest feeding her a bottle. I cooed her softly making sure she wasn't to be too loud and wake anyone up. Lucky for Rick and Carl I was up since it was very early and heard Judiths quiet cries from her crib. "Hi Judith" I smiled and walked around with the small child. I talked to Judith in a baby voice for awhile making her laugh and smile when I heard "Awe (y/n) is bonding with Lil' ass kicker" I jumped a bit holding Judith close just to see Daryl leaning against the wall with a smirk "Shut up Daryl" I rolled my eyes and turned the other way my back to him. I heard him walk towards me his boots made sounds off the cement floor as he got closer and stood on my left side "Can I hold her?" He asked his voice deep " Sure" I smiled and handed Judith to Daryl softly. She always liked him and in my opinion it was cute to see Daryl hold a baby "Awe Daryl is bonding with Judith" I mocked emphasizing the girls real name "Shut up" Daryl huffed holding Judith close and snuggling her as she played with his hair. I actually awed and got closer so I was standing right next to Daryl our arms touching. He opened his eyes his blue orbs shooting over to me a small smile on his lips. He clutched Judith tightly with his one hand and pulled me into his chest also with his other hand. I blushed but felt kinda awkard. Everyone in our cell block was like family that's why we were all in the same cell block. But I felt weird if Rick or Carl were to wake up and see Daryl and I holding his baby/sister and hugging like we were a family. But then thinking of family that made me sad but also smile at the thought of a family with Daryl. But sadly he pulled away and went to go set Judith back into her crib. He walked back over to me his hair falling in front of his eyes as he rubbed the back of his neck "You wanna go out?" He asked " D-Do I wanna go out with you? " I asked unbelievably "Oh I uh" it looked as if Daryl was embarrassed "I mean like outside" he caught himself and I frowned not noticing "Oh yeah sure"I smiled and grabbed my sweater off the stone table since it was actually winter at the prison. I walked out after Daryl my (e/c) eyes wide in excitement to see the snow "I hate snow" Daryl muttered kicking at it. I laughed an idea forming in my brain as I picked up some snow and made a perfect snowball. Since Daryl was looking the other way I threw it roughly at his back the snow breaking. He turned around slowly his cheeks already red from either anger or the nipping cold "You'd better watch yourself sunshine" he snapped a bit but didn't sound that angry "And if I don't?" I asked taunting as I threw the second snowball back and forth with a smirk. Daryl just stared at me with a blank expression and then he jumped and ran at me " Daryl! " I yelled in scaredness as I threw the snowball at his face "Oh that's it" he growled and chased after me "No Daryl please I'm sorry" I cried as he chased me around the yard. I looked back not hearing a response but that was a mistake cause he was behind me and then I tripped and fell into the snow on my back. Daryl jumped on top of me pining me into the snow my hands red from the snow. He looked down at me his bright blue eyes piercing into my (e/c). A blush appeared on my face but I hoped it wasn't noticeable since I was already red faced from the snow. That's when all the sudden Daryl moved his face down his got breath on my lips as our lips touched and we kissed softly right then and there on the ground in the snow. We kissed for awhile and then pulled back when we heard small giggles and cheeres. I turned my head looking back to the prison doors seeing Carl holding Judith as she clapped and giggles and Carl just had a smirk "Finally" he called and I just blushed putting my hands over my face.

(Wow word count 768 I hope that's good anyways leave requests I love writing and especially about differents fandoms anyways thanks again.)

~Shaggy <3

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